Bubble Tip Anemone Lighting Question

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Well-known member
May 16, 2007
Everywhere you go you always hear "anemones = need lots of light" and I have 500W 2x250 14000k MH over my 75 gal and I just got another bubble tip anemone after my other one was lost a while back in a flatworm removal toxic death type deal. Well I was in my good LFS the other day and he told me based on experience BTA's were on the low end of needing light, because when he had 2x400's high above his tanks they would all cower towards the shadows, we're talking 2 feet above the tank atleast. When I put it in today it was in the light but then moved up under a rock in the shade...is that light adjustment or it still trying to find a good spot?
Could be both. All anemones need lots of light, but I'd agree that BTAs are more forgiving to lower light conditions. They still need high intensity lighting. They just don't wither away and die with less than the best lighting, like some other anemones do. I'd let yours find it's "happy spot" and hope it doesn't wipe out all your corals in the process. They do love to wander.
It's low in the middle and is fully open inside a cave under a rock right now(the lights were off and it took me a while to find it! :lol:) its a beautiful neon green one too...practically all anemones will move toward light if needed right?
Could be both. All anemones need lots of light, but I'd agree that BTAs are more forgiving to lower light conditions. They still need high intensity lighting. They just don't wither away and die with less than the best lighting, like some other anemones do. I'd let yours find it's "happy spot" and hope it doesn't wipe out all your corals in the process. They do love to wander.

Another suggestion... based on their wandering habits... COVER POWERHEAD INTAKES!!! I learned my lesson. Use filter media, and secure with rubber bands. It's a horrible thing when they get sucked into a PH like wet jello. It's better to rinse out the filter media once a week than to lose an anemone, and possibly a burnt up powerhead motor.
I have 500W Halide and 240W atinic over my 60g tank, and my GBTA found his home under a shelf and has not moved in the 6 months that I have had him. It comes out and gets the light it needs, and it is almost always fully open. It's better for BTA to decide how much light it needs by expanding out from the shade, rather than having to move all around the tank to find the best light. In my opinion you have plenty of light : )

Snapped a quick pic, camera sucks but the tentacles are a dark green that glow at night
Everywhere you go you always hear "anemones = need lots of light" and I have 500W 2x250 14000k MH over my 75 gal and I just got another bubble tip anemone after my other one was lost a while back in a flatworm removal toxic death type deal. Well I was in my good LFS the other day and he told me based on experience BTA's were on the low end of needing light, because when he had 2x400's high above his tanks they would all cower towards the shadows, we're talking 2 feet above the tank atleast. When I put it in today it was in the light but then moved up under a rock in the shade...is that light adjustment or it still trying to find a good spot?

Anemones need to be acclimated to light, as well as being acclimated to its new environment. Having an anemone go into hiding when it is placed in a new environment is not unusual.

I would not consider a BTA to be on the "low end" of lighting needs.

It looks like you have a healthy anemone there.