bubbles !! :p

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flea whisperer
Oct 5, 2004
Well i think i'm paying the concecuences of moving the tank :( .
my tank way decent when we were living in the apartment but every since we moved here... it went .... down down baby :( .
When i found out about the bucket where i put my water (the new water which was about 20 gals in there) was number 4 in the triangle thingy (the water was in there for some good 4 weeks) i was sad.... right now i'm battleing cyano, but i have also noticed that i got some very very tiny microbubbles, i already made some new water in my old bucket which is ok... but it seems like it has bubbles too... i mixed the salt good and still the stinking bubbles are right there..... i don't know what to do because right now i can't check for anything :( .
My six line is looking really skinny for some reason, my green mushrooms look like they're loosing colors,a little purple cap with yellow polyps is looking like it's loosing color, my kenya trees look a little bit shrinked.
is there anything i can do for this?

Spell check!!!:lol: And you're not a newbie with over 8,000 posts:p

K...Back to the bubbles. I can't understand what would be causing bubbles?? Is your filters for your ro/di unit good?:)
Obviously you checked all of your params right? Do you have a DSB?
well i'm sort of newbie :p:lol:.
the filters are good .... i'm starting to wonder if this still has to do something with my stinking bucket :lol:
Obviously you checked all of your params right? Do you have a DSB?

no dood i can't check my params right now (we're treating the yard for fleas and in order to go to the basement you gotta go out ....and there's no way i'm going down there :p:lol:) .

i have a semi sand bed dood... it's getting some cyano right now :(
i used a new bucket when we moved (i didn't know it was number 4 ) ...the husband bought it and he started making water for me so i didn't even get to check the bucket until it was to late + i didn't know until Curt told me :lol::p).
Now the water that was storaged in there... because i'm a whimp i used the IO buckets to bring it all the way up into the house and then i'd dump it in my old blue bucket .
Gabs...try water changes and .....do you have a clean up crew?? They really help for the cyano. You should know that much!:p :)

I tend to get a lot of tiny bubbles when i move my tanks. They disappear after about a week. Don't know what causes them thou.

All i have been able to do for cyano Gab is continually keep syphoning. I had it really bad once; and I have a touch of it again; so I just keep syphoning into a sock but dont forget to remove the sock when done!

I think it's really hard on tanks moving them and everytime I do a major remodel or move a tank, it just takes time for everything to settle down.

I'm confused on the flea treatment, I mentioned it on the other thread, is your tank where the treatment is going on? That may not be a good idea in itself.
Did you perhaps get a new 1200 maxi-jet? Or was that bucket smelling funny after you put the water in it?
Would exaust fumes on plastic cause tiny bubbles??

just wondering.
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Gaby, when you say its the #4 bucket, are you talking about the plastic it is made from?

#4, I think, is Low density polyethylene. It should be ok to use.
most of my snails didn't make it to the new house... so i only got 3 left, so definetly i'm gonna buy some more.

All i have been able to do for cyano Gab is continually keep syphoning. I had it really bad once; and I have a touch of it again; so I just keep syphoning into a sock but dont forget to remove the sock when done!
i used the filter sock for 3 hours and it came brownish

I'm confused on the flea treatment, I mentioned it on the other thread, is your tank where the treatment is going on? That may not be a good idea in itself.

ohh the husband sprayed borax with water on the stairs, on the dog fence and the grass :p that's why i couldn't get out .... he told me it was fine but i didn't wanna risk it to much, it seems like i'm their magnet.
We haven't treated the place where the tank is because that's where we're sleeping right now :lol: ... we have only put candle lights with water but other than that... nothing + is hardwood floor so not really to much we can do there.
Today in the morning i went there and well so far... i lost my nitrate test kit (i can't find one of the solutions :(), the ammonia test kid and the alkalinity.
so the only thing i was able to check for was my ph which is at 8.2 right now.

what i mean about the #4 is that type of plastic it was made.

I don't know if the container smelled or not because i didn't make the water, the husband did and he doesn't remember .
ok so i also took some pics :p ... here you go .

now the picture with like white dots.... they are truthly white dots in the water :lol: :shock:
Snails; water change; syphon.

I might place an order; I'll get you some snails if I do. Also Barrier Reef has a good deal on snails when we are there. I might go down there. They had a flame angel I've been thinking about. I'll get you some ok?
if you place an order count me in Colleen please :) .... even funky didn't make it :( .

fill dat tank up!

Are they bubbles or living?

the bubbles are bubbles and the white dots are not living creatures... they look like if it was clothing detergent:eek: :p:lol:
I have white dots too. I dont know what they are but they aren't detergent.. lol

My pod has them too and they are very noticable since the back is black. I think they are a living creature but dont know what