Building your Own Sump. June 2008 Club Meeting.

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Ed Hahn

Life is A Highway...
Jan 27, 2004
Kennewick, Wa
A Midcolumbia Saltwater Aquarium Club Member recently increased his tank size.
Here is club Member Rick Bergs how to build sump presentation.
First two Holes were drilled on end of tank with Diamond Bit.
Clean up area. Measure where you want Baffles.
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More of June Build your own Sump Meeting.

When ever drilling or modifying a piece of installation got stopped for a minute Midcolumbia had a drawing for Monthly Raffle.
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a few more steps and finished other than curing time.

Baffles installed, plumbing lined up, now just need to let silicone cure.
Time to go look at the Tank.

This Tank was recently set up. There was a foam wall, a protein skimmer behind wall(under the stairway). That was just a few of Rick's custom touches. This one will be overgrown with corals in no time with this experience Reefer.
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You got a good topic, food and drinks, saw the tank, now what do you do?

You sit down relax and talk about life and reef stuff around the fire.
The last time I sat down around fire at reef club meeting was a send off to a Club Member. John Goldenberg we miss ya Buddy!