Bulb Replacement.

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May 15, 2006
Tomarrow after school i will stop at a local Store, that has bulbs

I guess im gonna look for a 10,000k 36" or so bulb.

Ill ask the guy todd who owns, but i figer id ask here first.

any better brands. anything i should know about replaceing 2 white bulbs for the nova setup?

he's open tomarrow,sat, and sunday. (normaly on weekends only)
but if he thows some crazy $$ for 2 bulbs ill come back out first.

i also thought it might be a better idea. if i 1 bulb a week.

the 14'k have less hours, but should be reaplaced soon i guess.

was thinking one 14k and one 12k
T-5's...I don't know much about what brands are good there, but is there any reason why you are just changing 2 out of the 4 and not all of the bulbs?:)
Krish, I am no expert on this, but I was told to replace only half the bulbs at a time so as to not burn the corals. I don't know how crucial it really is...
Charli that was my idea.... i was gonna buy 2 of the white 10k bulbs today.

replace one tonight, and one next week.

then go get the other 2 and replace them 1 and at time

the only reason im gonna 2 just the 10k's first is cause i know they have much more hours on them then the blues.

months back i use to let the 10ks on for about 2 hours more aday then the 14ks

i use to do whites on at 9, then blues on at 10:30 and then blues off at 7 and whites off at 8:30

so i figer if i let that like that for a few months like that the white bulbs will have more hours then the blue.

Im takeing a guess that the top of the coraline is from this (bleaching)

the ends off the white bulbs are kinda dark. (bunt looking) more so then the 14k's
Cool...So what do you do when you only run one bulb??? To you change half of the bulb one time or else the corals will suffer??:lol: :p
im a little loss now. but

theres 2 switchs one for 10k, and one for 14k

Im gonna call this place in a little, to see what they have b4 i drive all the way there....... but at the same time im looking at bulbs at thatpetplace.com

and im compaireing what i see.
i should keep the wattage, that same as what it came with, i know but.......

i cant

the 39watt t5's come in 34 inchs...... about 16 a bulb, give or take. i bet this guys gonna want 23$
Ill be back in about an hour and half. Im gonna go get thos bulbs
got 2,

21$ each, not that bad i guess.
replaced one looks diffrent, you can tell its more energy being put out
After running my bulbs for 14 months, 12 hours a day, I changed them all out. Since I have 2 36 inch fixtures over a 125, I did one set the night before. When the lights came on, you could definitely see a difference; the blues were really worn out. This might be because at the end of the year, the blues have 365 more hours on them than the rest of the bulbs. That comes to 30 "reef" days.
Got the 2 bulbs antice white are a little diffrent color then the stock current's

do you think next week after i put the 2nd one in the slight spectum change can hurt?
I did six on one side and then six on the other a few hours apart. Other that the little bit of green slime algae dying back, I haven't seen any changes for the worse. The corals don't seem to mind and neither does the coralline.