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Nov 6, 2008
Tacoma wa.
I just read somewhere that this guy got a bullet goby and it eats red slime algae off the sand..
Anyone else hear of this?
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I know they do a very good job cleanning the substrate.... liveaquaria lists them as (feeds on a variety of tiny crustaceans in the substrate as well as filamentous algae) I have been waitng for my lfs to get one in.
I'm really gonna piss the reef snobs off with this one.

Sometimes they are called a dragon goby, Petco in Lakewood usually keeps 1-2 in stock. Excellent fish.
yep common local name dragon goby runs about 18 bucks in portland one of the best sand sifters imo...
I had a bullet in my 90g for a few months and then sadly he quite eating and didn't make it regardless of my attempts. I never had aproblem with red slime but he did sift sand quite a bit and always made a mess when doing it.
I think bullet goby would be a better name as dragon goby is also shared with a freshwater goby. Just IMO. The freshwater counterpart actually looks like a dragon though :p
the bullet/dragon goby isn't a sifter goby in the true sense........they are an Amblygobius sp. NOT a Valenciennea goby like the orange spot or golden head sifter goby. i have been in the salt hobby for 15+ years and have never known a fish to eat cyanobacteria....i'd be willing to bet that the guy was just seeing what he wanted to. most sifters can help because they will keep the upper layer of sand stirred, which would help keep cyano. at bay. however as with most methods it isnt really helping address the most common real problem (too much nutrient load). well there's my 2 cents........
Dragon gobies are certainly not messy. They are by far the most aggressive sifting fish in the hobby IMO. I had only two that were responsible for sifting 600lbs of sand in my 1,000 gallon display and they kept the sand sparkling. I have tried many different sifters and in my experience I have not had one make the mess of the yellow head gobies.

I hate it when venders spin things to sell the products that they have in stock.
i have one in my 55 and he does a good job of sifting the sand, but he does make a mess of every thing. he takes a mouth full of sand then heads about half way up the tank and drops it all over every thing. i have to blow of the rocks and evrything about once a week. he is very cool looking with the almost neon blue stripes where his neck would be if he had one. he does eat algae of my tank wall and rocks. got him at aquatic dreams hear in the valley. dragon goby also now as banded goby.
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We had the dragon goby, sarang has him now, but he didnt touch the cyano when we had an outbreak, he'd go around it.
We had the dragon goby, sarang has him now, but he didnt touch the cyano when we had an outbreak, he'd go around it.

I don't think he is a dragon goby. He doesn't do much sand sifting. Dragon goby's at least the ones I've seen are grey in color and has like mute blue streaks all along its body. the one I got from you guys is white with pink spots.