bye bye sand bed, hello rock bed. Opinions?

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the cyborg reefer
Aug 23, 2009
I think I have most of my bases covered on this but would like some other opinions. I'm leaving enough sand in there for the worms/pods/clean up crew so I don't think there will be much of a problem with detirus building up. Also planning on adding a couple powerheads pointing at it until I can properly infest all of it with mushrooms/ricordia and the occational xinia/antheillia forest I figure if any of it gets to out of hand, I just pull a rock out and trade/give it to some local reefer and put in a new one. Still getting used to the look, but once it purples up I think I will like it.





the last of the sand is waiting until I get the 240 up and running. about 1/2 way through the stand now.

Needs a few more boards cut, and the 3/4 inch plywood skin installed. Rough math rates it at about 15 tons in a perfect world. Should be good for a 240.

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the only thing I wouldn't like about it is the detruis build up under the rocks in the dead spots other then that I would love to go this method as more places to add things other then the floor to slide around with all the flow I have in my tank.
I would just try to raise the rockbed up about 1/2 if possible with some eggcrate just so detruis will flow under it and might make it easier to siphon out if it doesnt get caught up and go down the overflow.
I have this love hate with the sand too. I like the look but hate the upkeep and I really don’t like the look of the bare bottom. I have siphoned out the majority of the sand and I am going to put in a gravel size rock like ½ to ¾ inch size stuff to cover the bottom and hopefully have the recordea mushrooms I got cover it over.
My 'old west' saloon. Its actually a termporary place for a frag rack until They grow in some and I'm finally motivated enough to mount them all on the big flat rock on the right.

As far as poop build up. I have 1/2-1" of sand for the endless supply of bristle worms and other crittes running around in the tank, not to mention the shrimp/crabs/ and a couple of tangs poking their noses in to everything. I also have a couple of Korrilia mag. 8s that will be added aimed at the rock bed, so I don't *think* I'll have much problem. Once I get the bottom covered w/ various stuff, I don't think anything will hit the floor at all. Theres 30K+ gph in that tank... stuff flies around quite will.
Almost done with this dang stand.... Having to take a break every 15 mins is a killer.

On the lighter side, as soon as the batteries recharge (again) It gets a few final screws and lag bolted. If I'm still moving it will get a primer/sealer tonight.



access in the front. I need to see how it fits with stand #3 before I worry about it tape measure says I have 1" to spare between the front of this stand and the stand for the 300... Tape measures have been known to lie.




not to bad for a first attempt. 100" long 26" wide and 36 1/2" tall. Tank going on it is 99" by 24" be 26" tall.
Almost done with this dang stand.... Having to take a break every 15 mins is a killer.

On the lighter side, as soon as the batteries recharge (again) It gets a few final screws and lag bolted. If I'm still moving it will get a primer/sealer tonight.



access in the front. I need to see how it fits with stand #3 before I worry about it tape measure says I have 1" to spare between the front of this stand and the stand for the 300... Tape measures have been known to lie.




not to bad for a first attempt. 100" long 26" wide and 36 1/2" tall. Tank going on it is 99" by 24" be 26" tall.

great looking stand I did my own as well and it always looks like overkill compared to the retail ones. I used 4x6 and 2x6 it just seemd like 270 gallons at 7.7 pounds each would be like parking a small car in the living room ontop of a fence post so I dont trust the retail partical ones.. Something even wierder is that my 270 I am takeing down is 99 long as well and I think 25x25 I thought my tank was a mistake , like someone tried to make a 240 and screwed up, but it looks like you have one as well. now that I have to replace it I could only find a standard 240 at 96 long so I am losing a couple gallons but gaining a huge sump out of the old tank..
I suspect this tank has been cut down at some point from a larger tank. But maybe not? I really should have left it where I found it but I'm bad when I get a project in my head. Needed a crash course on acryic building anyway.
I just picked up a couple of hundred pounds of 3/4 and 1 inch acrylic pieces and I am going to practice with some and then build some decent ones (hopefully). I have built 2 before but need to improve the skills. my 99 long was junk as well crappy seams and all thus the need to remove it maybe same guy built yours lol
Mostly because I am tired of being paranoid of having my magnet within 6" of the sand bed. Tank scratches way to easily.
well... the stand is shiny and black, with any luck I'll try a tank on it tommorow... need to paint the top later tonight so it kicks by the time I get my lazy buns out of bed


GF is NOT impressed with my 'redecoration' of the living room floor.....
GF is NOT impressed with my 'redecoration' of the living room floor.....

New tank, new GF. Everything can be upgraded! :cool:

BTW...I like the look and think it will be awesome when it colors up and has a few well placed corals growing on it.
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LOL... after 4.5 years and everything we've beeen through, I don't forsee upgrading this one...
750 gallon DT
300 gallon cryptic zone/sump
240 gallon marine planted tank (in progress)
300 gallon I have no idea yet....
50 gallon super secret project.

1640 gallons :eek: I better get to work :D
well... its about 3/4 off level thanks to the floor in the garage, but over 8 1/2 feet I can live with it. More importantly, I don't want to move the dang thing again.

tommorow I suppose I should plumb it as its filling with water now..


the 300 stand is in place as well... took some drywall/paint off getting it in there... getting the tank on there will be fun to say the least...


and my fancy leopard print comfy chair is back in place. Someday I hope to sit back and enjoy all this.
