calc reactor setup help

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Mar 2, 2009
I was messing with it last night. trying to get the bubble count right then the exit count right. "that was irritating ended with a F this and a beer" i had a steady stream of Co2 way to slow way to fast. couldnt get it right. so my question is what should i set the regulator psi to. the bubble count and then the efluent drip rate to?
12 lbs bubble count one per second to start and only use the bubble counter on the CA rX (if you have the second one by the regulator) and have your effluent a slow thin stream of fluid to start.. Whats the
PH of the CA RX (or the effluent?)?
go read up at he has a really simple explanation of how he did his
here is the calc reactor and the silenoids/regulators. i think im going to use the first regulator. its nicer looking. i havent tested the ph yet of the water coming out. but will update tonight. adter i set it at 1 bubble per second or two and steadt stream how long should i wait to test the ph?


here is the calc reactor and the silenoids/regulators. i think im going to use the first regulator. its nicer looking. i havent tested the ph yet of the water coming out. but will update tonight. adter i set it at 1 bubble per second or two and steadt stream how long should i wait to test the ph?



Is the pressure on the 1st shot really 120 psi? This would make it REALLY hard to balance with a needle valve. Set it to 10-20 psi and fine tune with the needle valve.
Remember to set it to around 12 lbs out and use the needle valve to fine tune it to one bubble every 3 seconds to begin with. Then you can adjust it down as you go. The ideal thing would to have a small container that it feeds into and have a ph contoller with probe connected in there. That way you can have a constant visual of where it is at.
thats a good idea maybe i will have it drip into a bucket for now. until i get it where i want it. i dont have a ph monitor or anything so ill just have to do a lot of tests.
you must test the efluent NOW if it is not at around 6.5 .. too low will melt all your media and to high it will melt none at all
well how much ca are you using a day ? as you use more ca you will have to adjust as needed. being that said it is a pain in the but to adjust and this is where most crash their tanks in this process. you want to adjust where you think you need it and let it sit for a day then adjust up or down then let sit for a day but with minimal stoneys in the tank both sps and lps adjust low until you know how much ca is being used up. also depending on the media will depend on where you want the reactor set up for your ph value inside the chamber.
im not sure how much calcium i use in a day to be honest. it has to be a bit cause i have a bunch of sps and lps. do you think a bubble every 3 seconds and a drip of 4 or so a second on the end unit is low enough for now? i dont want to wake up to a crashed tank
i tested the calcium in the tank and its about 520-540 and out of the reactor its about 500. i think last nights reactor attempt while i was letting it run into the tank instead of the bucket plus i just added half a bucket of fresh saltwater to the is why its so high already
Marlin did you read that link from reef keeping mag? if not do it. Your comments here are kinda scary to me.

long story short.
When you set your reactor up do just what some one said before 1 bubble per 1-2 seconds and one effluent drip per second, let Ph of chamber drop to 6.4-6.5 and do alk tests on the tank every other day and adjust the reactor every other test if needed when alk reaches something over 9 then dont adjust anymore and continue with alk tests to see witch direction it goes. might take a month be patient. record all your adjustments, Drip per second, bubble per second, alk and date and time of the test. That way you can know your system.
yeah like stated above start with 1 -2 drips per second then adjust as needed. thats the safe way to dial it in. too many will drop the ph in the tank too low and thats where the crashes happen.
I think these are the levels im looking for right?
alrighty tested everything tonight. fist time since the tank swap
ph. 7.8
dkh 7
mag 1050
calcium 540
ammonia, nitrate, nitrite 0

ph 6.5
dkh 38
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kinda what i was thinking. i have two part but i never remember to dose. once a week or two ill be like oh yeah and squirt 3 or 4 pumps in. kinda why i went to a calcium reactor one less thing to forget