Calcium Discussion - Add yer 2 cents

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Well-known member
Jul 23, 2004
Lynnwood, WA
Hey all,
After going to Seamax yesterday I am reconsidering a calcium reactor.
I have been using a kalk reactor in my topoff for 15 years. It is totally automated and works flawlessly and thoughtlessly. I add a 1/2 lb of kalk every 4-6 weeks My frogspawn and candy canes grow like crazy. I just swapped out my 100 to 125 tank and am adding more SPS. I have had a calcium reactor for years but have never set it up. Always been worried about the inevitable malfunction and ph crash.

So went to a class yesterday and started considering auto dosing 2 part instead of a calcium reactor or maybe even the Balling method.

What are your thoughts? I want something that can be automated, safe and not time consuming. I have a controller.
Are you testing to see if you actually need more calcium? To me that would be a good starting point being you've done this 15 years you may not need so much?
If you go with a two part solution, take into consideration you will need to do frequent water changes. Also, don't forget the benefits you get from using Kalk.
+1 on ATO through a Kalk stirrer Jim, tried and true and without nearly the risk IMHO

Cheers, Todd
If it's been working for you for 15 years I think the inevitable crash should be less of a concern than it was at 15 days. Test your water to check you parameters and if they're good and your critters are happy I wouldn't change a thing. Want something else to consider? Ask someone on here what happens when the solenoid on your CO2 bottle sticks open and crushes the pH in your tank. Each method has its drawbacks.

Yeah Mike, the solenoid sticking is what I am worried about. That's why I have never set up the calcium reactor. Would it work to do 2 part and Kalk in the ATO?
Why does 2 part require water changes?
Just want an easy, safe way to supplement calcium as my SPS's grow out.
I too would like some more discussion on this. I currently manually dose on my 180, just like I have been doing for years on my 2 29s, but since the big tank is fairly new, I am having trouble keeping Cal (and mag) at a high and constant level. I wondered about using a doser, since it seemed safer than a reactor (and the worry about the Co2) but didn't get a lot of feedback. I guess most people don't use a peristaltic pump system to dose. I would love to learn how to use a two-part in my auto top-off. Or other ideas. I'd rather not go the cal reactor/ kalk stirrer route if I don't have to this early in the game, but it seems to be the popular thing the kids are doing these days... lol
A guy that did a seminar at Seamax on Sunday said he uses a BRS 1.1ml dosing pump to dose BRS DIY 2 part. He tests once a week and changes the dosing if needed. Said it rund pretty constant most of the time. he also uses kalk in the ato. That is what got me thinking about the topic.
Jim, I like the way you are thinking and I just wish I could have made it to SeaMax to hear that seminar. Does anyone ever tape these seminars? (not to detour your thread, it probably wouldn't be kosher to do that anyway)... I would LOVE to be able to dose a two part automatically somehow, and adding a kalk into the ATO to correct the PH just makes simple sense to me. My Mg levels, once established, seem to stay pretty consistent, so I wouldn't mind manually dosing that on occasion if it needed it. I certainly hear your concerns about the possible crash if your Co2 gets dumped. It seems to me that in this hobby, we all already have a lot to fret about and many have experienced this big one.
IMO, anything that makes life easier and less worry, the more time you have to just enjoy your reef.
The guy that did the seminar has a bunch of videos on Youtube. Search for Mr Saltwater Tank TV.
A guy that did a seminar at Seamax on Sunday said he uses a BRS 1.1ml dosing pump to dose BRS DIY 2 part. He tests once a week and changes the dosing if needed. Said it rund pretty constant most of the time. he also uses kalk in the ato. That is what got me thinking about the topic.

This is essentially what I do. I have a Reefkeeper and two dosing pumps that I picked up from BRS. I set timers to dose alkalinity at 0500 and again at 1700. Calcium is dosed at 0600 and 1800. I test and adjust the amount of time each pump runs based on the numbers I get. I've been running this way long enough that I rarely have to adjust the timers and never by more than a minute or two. If the worst were to happen and a controller outlet were to stick on I would empty whatever is in the one gallon dosing container. A calcium reactor is probably more cost efficient in the long run but dosing is as simple as it gets, in my opinion.

If you're going to toward a SPS dominated tank then calcium reactor is a solution for the long run. I was dosing back there and it's working very good when my SPS were still the little frags and small cololies. Anyway, after they picked up in size and growing momentum, dosing is much more demanding and expensive. I had my calcium reactor came in place and took care of the works. SPS then were growing much faster and healthier (don't forget light and flow though:))
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I've been running a Geo 612 reactor on my 120 reef for at least 3 years now with zero issues from the reactor. I do have my effluent dripping into my sump where the overflow drains and the skimmer dumps into. This creates alot of aeriation and the area has alot of water movement, allowing any excess co2 to off gas.

The reactor is set and forget. If you buy a quality solenoid,(I use the Reef Fanatic regulator w/solenoid) you wont have to worry about it sticking.

I have not tried the balling method, although it makes sense. However, both balling and two part dosing are more expensive than a reactor to run long term.

If you're really concerned about your solenoid failing in the open position, (I've been reefkeeping for about 11 years now and have never heard of this happening...doesnt mean it hasn't, I just haven't heard about it), set your effluent to drip into a container with an airstone bubbling in it. If you're still worried, have that container drip into a second container with an airstone as well. Have both containers empty into a heavy flow section of you sump.

If you're still worried about the solenoid at that point, call you're doctor and ask for anti anxiety meds, 'cause you worry too much! :D

over the years in this hobby, I try to aspire to two theories: "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" and "keep it simple"

Sounds like you are doing fine w/o the Ca reactor.. Im with Scooty and check calcium to see if there is a need for it.
Of course, not messing with success is a smart thing too!

