Calcium levels and kh levels

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Well-known member
Nov 24, 2007
I tested my calcium today and it is 500 or more ppm and i was wondering how to lower it. i also tested my KH levels and they tested 12.5 dkh and i was wondering how i could lower it too? Any suggjestions would be appreciated.
Best way is to just make some new sw (making sure its at the right level) and then water change your way down

How did it get that high? Are you adding/dosing anything? I run a calcium reactor, and when mine gets that high, I just turn off the reactor for a short while and let the corals soak up the extra calcium, getting levels down to where they need to be.
ok would you recomened using a calcium reactor? If so do you know where i could find a cheap one for a 75 gallon
Dustin I dont know if you really need a calcium reator right now, it really depends on the calcium demand of your tank. Do you have alot of stoney corals?? clams??

Best thing to do to determine what you need in regards to cal and alk is the following. First get your alk and cal up/down to the proper levels. then wait 1 week and remeasure those two levels. If thier is a drop then you know know what your weekly cal and alk demand is for a week. I would stay with just doseing for now until it becomes financially better to go down the calcium reactor road. Do the same thing for mag, but do it every 3 weeks to start.
