Calcium levels

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Water changes. Check your replacement water before adding. How did it get so high? Did you have a snow storm because of it/
Which test kits are you using??? If you aren't supplementing anything nor have a calcium reactor and just use Instant Ocean, your kit may be a bit off. May want to double check it with another kit (maybe let your LFS check it). Just a thought... :)
calcium 620ppm

Are you sure that is 620 ppm calcium or is it 620 ppm CaCO3 (Calcium Carbonate)

620 ppm CaCO3 = 248 ppm Calcium

CaCO3 ppm x 0.40 = Calcium ppm
I would take a water sample to a LFS and have them test it. With IO salt, you normally have to supplement calcium.
Definately check out Boomers sujestion cause that can throw you way off and then your even worse off than you were! This is a good named brand teast I use, its called NUTRAFIN calcium test. And if you have an accurate reding on the alk then thats your next step!

Im still wondering how your calcium got away from you cause usually your alk would drop way below the proper ppm in order for cal to jump so high. Was this something that happened overnight or afew days? Was there an over dose of something like Purple UP to make it jump? etc. Are you using a two part solution like ESV? Your alk is rising with your cal so that tells me over dosing to fast. I might be wrong so dont take it to heart. Do a 25% water change and it should drop, then check your parameters after about five hours after your change. Water changes is the quickest way to drop it, do it SLOW tho. Maybe a waterchange every 3 to 5 days until its under control. Your corals will go throug a rough time during this.
I have been through this and I can say it was cause I overdosed with my kalkwasser and alk dripping methods. Slowly change your water and you should be back to normal. Good luck:?::?:
I apologise Dustin I over looked you have not added any supliments so far as your ph goes,whats the reading on it? Cause this may begin with your ph. Ph is very misunderstood and what actually ph is, there are extensive researches done on it and how it affects cal and alk as a whole. Do some good reading and I believe you will find out whats best for your situation.
This balance sometimes is your biggest battle with this hobby.:) The snow storm effect is when your tank turns into a almost milky water that does not clear up. This would also be called your saturation point. When this happens something has been added to quickly say alk booster or even cal suppliment. The saturation occurs when your water canot absorb any more of one thing at a given time.
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I have a salfieret test kit and i already took it to the lfs and they said the same thing. I guess i will just have to do water changes for a wjile till the calcium gets lower. And to help i ordered a ro unit