Calcium Magnesium question

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ok sid,i agree. but i never dose anything once i got to know my calsium is too high.well,once my calsium is balanced,can i start dosing the rest?? mag?
Vimal, stop dosing. Don't dose anything that you don't test for. Also, don't dose anything that you aren't sure that your tank needs. Allow your calcium to drop, naturally, and through regular water changes. Once it's within an acceptable range, you can start dosing, AS NEEDED. In the meantime, learn about Alkalinity, Calcium and Magnesium, their relationship to one another and how they each effect your tank inhabitants and why they're needed. It's important to keep them balanced, with one another, and within acceptable ranges.

There's lots of great reading, on this forum, to help you learn all of these things.

There ya go.
alk,caqlcium, and magnesium

whats the best best alkalinity lvl,mag and cal??

alk will fluctuate as the corals use this the most... dosing will become necessary... anywhere between 7 to 11 I say shoot for 9 and don't freek out if within this range...

calcium will be consumed slower than alk... I don't need to dose this but depending on the corals appetite you may... 380 to 450 is a recommended range I would say shoot for the middle of 415... tested mine (I don't dose for it and use reef crystals) got a level of 500... today the locals at barrier reef said that is still ok but not to exceed 600... high levels probabally due to a lack of stony corals...

magnesium will be consumed the slowest of the three... mag of 1250 to 1350 recommended... i would shoot for 1300 though mine measured 1450 (again without dosing) again I was told this was still ok...

all these parameters are not only adjustable but the critters are adjustable as well... shoot for perfect parameters with little dosing but don't get discouraged as these will fluctuate... not every critter will enjoy every parameter.
It also helps to keep salinity near full strength seawater 1.025. But, beware of Mag hitting 1500 w/salinity hitting 1.030. Caused Alk/dkh to plummet resulting in Cal to drop out of solution making tank hazy. Unfortunately this cause rampant RTN loss of my 5yr old Monti Cap...the very one in my Avatar, I could cry, but I'm to busy making water changes and fraging what is left. Acros showing STN. I pray this stops soon.

O'l Salty Gal
Full strength is given as 1.0264 = 35 ppt. 1.025 = 33 ppt. Very, reefs are this low but some in the Philippines are.

But, beware of Mag hitting 1500 w/salinity hitting 1.030.

More than likley it is not the Mg++ doing this but more than likely it is the high Ca++ at 30 ppt + ~470 ppm, esepcially if the Alk is also high. High Mg++ inhibits the precip of of cloudy water of Ca++. However, if the Mg++ was raised, such as adding MgCl2, with normal Ca++ 400 or so, then the addition of MgCL2, with a high Alk, may precip Mg(OH)2. You often see this when you add a buffer and see a cloudy form that then disappears. If, in theory, if this continues, the Mg++ will drop quickly and then increase the precip of Ca++, lowering all of them. I find this hard to believe it was due to Mg++ as many have raise their Mg++ to 1500 ppm or higher to control Bryopsis with no such issue.
just a little FYI I had a frag of Yellow Polps in my tank and took them to another tank that has Old Tank Syndrom... they are still thriving... Go figure this nasty tank had nitrates in the range of 80ppm

Kenya tree died

pom pom xenias died

again some critters like different parameters... others more suseptable to chemestry changes!
I found that with IO i have to keep salinity at 1.025 to keep mag and ca up. However i test weeky. I think you may be surprised that as many reefers that have responded to your post test regularly and they have nice tanks and lots of experience. Yet guessing never works. I still have to dose about 1 oz a day of ca mg and alk for my lightly stocked 100 gallon.