Calling all younger reefers

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Apr 12, 2005
Long Island, NY
Hey all,
Was just wondering how many teens-or-younger there are here at Reef Frontiers. I am a regular member of ReefCentral, and have made many friendships through a similar thread. I just found RF, and figured "What the heck, I'm always up for meeting someone new."

I'll start. The name's Mike, 14. Founder of Death by, Webmaster of, and Volunteer at

If this thread is anything even close to rivalling the success of the RC thread, I should be meeting very many people in a very small duration of time, and this thread will exceed 800 pages in length in less than a year.
I'm far away from the teen years, but wanted to extend a Welcome!
Im an 18 young hot blonde waitin to meet you to big guy! I like long walks in the LFS and my man buyin me lots and lots of beautiful corals=)
Hi, I'm Shilo and I'm 10 soon to be 11. I've had my own tanks for a couple years now. In fact I'm on my third tank. It's 40 gallons and I just got a pair of black ocerllaris clown fish (since we gave Elmo mean Clarkina the clarkii clown who has babies in another picture here). My mom hated her because she was mean. I do most of the work on my tank like feeding, checking water, topping off and making sure everything stays healthy and I'm trying to learn alot more. I feed and top off the other tanks too for my mom.

Thanks all for the welcome!

Jiddy - :lol: I forgot, the other thread went like a singles chat for about 2 weeks before the "regulars" became known and it settled down.

Share pics of your tanks?
My name is Gabriela, i'm 21 but the same as JPloman i act like if i was 10, more when it comes to buying stuff for my tank :p

I'm 26, from Portland. Don't have any crazy websites or anything. Been reefin for a few years now...
Im 22. I love your avatar Fals Perc. Looks a lot like my old frog "Cow"
I'm 21, but get mistaken for anywhere between 12-17, but people never can guess my real age :) I also didn't quite give up my love for being a kid and still love to do many things teens do :) Everyone tells me that I'll love looking younger the older I get, but right now it gets annoying. :) I'm in between tanks right now since I moved from WA about 3 months ago. In the process of setting up a 90g.
As a lot of other mentioned I am 40 and not even close to being a teen, but I don't feel like a teen and I can't bring myself to act like one anymore ;)....but it seems neat to me that so many younger folks are interested in this hobby. Welcome :D
Thanks. :)

15g AGA
150w DE 10,000k HQI MH Pendant
5g fuge
CPR BakPak 2R Skimmer
Daily 20% Water Changes (4 gallons)

2 Tomato Clowns
Yasha Goby/Randalli Snapper
Algae Blenny
Watchman Goby

The usual cleanup crew

14 Anemones - 9 stichodactyla tapetum, 1 Actinia sp. (name evades my memory atm), 1 GBTA, 1 RBTA, 2 Ritteris (split)

3 clams - 2 crocea, 1 maxima

SPS, LPS, Zoos, Rics

And Caulerpa, the demon weed. I am willing to pay BIIIG bucks for oxynoe viridis slugs (caulerpa eating slugs, look like nudis, hitch hike on caulerpa) if anyone has any.