Can a green hammer turn another hammer its same color?

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Well-known member
Aug 8, 2006
Spokane, Washington
I purchased what was supposed to be a yellow hammer. I put it in the aquarium with my other 2 green hammers. Would the zooxanthellae from the green hammers turn the yellow one green as well? I believe I was sold an item under false pretences. Please help. Thank you.
Same here Michael. I am extremely mad. That is what I thought. I asked how long they had it etc. I believe that was the initial problem that it was bleached. He was telling me I need to learn a little more about the hobby. He was blaming me and being extremely rude. I have never heard of this before, but that is why I asked here. I have an orange hammer in with the green hammers and they did not turn the orange one green. I just think this is crap.
No. It was not either of them. I cannot imagine either of them treating their customers like this. I will post who it was after we come to a resolution. It is just upsetting.
So, after receiving a PM, from NanoReefer, I need to retract part of my statement. It wasn't purchased

However, the site it was purchased from, has a notorious bad reputation. I'll let her name the vendor, if she chooses to. However, on another forum, this vendor is a sponsor, after losing their "sponsorship" several times, due to this type of behavior. I posted a thread, on that forum, in the LPS forum, without naming any names, explaining the circumstances. It'll be interested to see what types of responses I

Gina, sorry this has happened to you. Unfortunately, given the vendor involved, I'm not at all surprised!!
Hey guys. It is crap. I wish I would have known that they had a bad reputation before I bought it. I figured that if it was on RC they were very good. You are all welcome to go look on the forum and respond to them. He is only able to refund 25.00 tomorrow and the shipping. That is weird to me. I really want to post on there what all he said to me, but until I have that little amount back, I am waiting. He treated me like I was stupid and ended up yelling at me. My fiance and his brother were here to witness because I put him on speaker phone specifically so they could hear what he would say. I told him I did not want to discuss it over the phone so I would have proof of what was said, but he would no longer write me back after. So I finally gave in and called. The title of the thread is called, "disappointed in order" and it is under one of the sponsors.