Can I put Cheato in my main tank?

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Apr 14, 2008
Daphne, AL
Sump/ref is not ready yet, but I have been given several ziplock bags of Cheato. I have them floating in the tank now (added several holes to them). I know calupra will spread easily, but will cheato? Or should I just continue to let them float/sink in the tank until my sump/ref is ready?
i have a big chunk of cheato sitting in my main display for color purposes and in case any of the algea eater want to peck at it. You should have no problem however the pods since not in the refugium will be easy picking for any hungry mouth in your tank.
Sump/ref is not ready yet, but I have been given several ziplock bags of Cheato. I have them floating in the tank now (added several holes to them). I know calupra will spread easily, but will cheato? Or should I just continue to let them float/sink in the tank until my sump/ref is ready?

thanks. I need it to remove nitrates, so I will let it go.
I had a ball of Chaeto in my main tank for awhile and the only issue I had was because my emerald crab liked to eat the chaeto and would break little pieces off that ended up through out the tank. Im thinking about trying some halimeda cause that should be a little easier to contain.
I have a ball of chaeto tucked behind a rock against the back wall and it's been fine and happy. Doesn't really show there, but stays in place. I had some halimeda, but my urchin has picked it up and carries it around.
Halimeda is a beautiful Macro that adds a nice look to a tank. However, it doesn't really do much for nitrate reduction AND it soaks up calcium as fast as SPS corals. It actually used to be used as a calcium indicator, before reliable test kits were available. They say if you're getting 1 new "plate" of growth a day, your Ca is good. It's not invasive, but does tend to spread and will need to be thinned back at times.