Can somebody please explain the for sale Forum??

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gREEF Stricken

Well-known member
Jul 2, 2014
Graham WA
Have spent half the weekend pad posting in an effort to reach the hundred mark. I finally reach the century milestone, and go to place a want to buy or looking for ad in the for sale forum and it routes me to some third-party site called Panjo...I don't wish to join any other online services or websites. How do I simply post an ad just to the people here on this site like a regular thread? very frustrated...

I apologize upfront to the powers that be, but if I can't rectify this by the end of today I'm simply going to post my ad in the general area. or maybe even the DIY section because I am building something and need some parts.

totally okay with admitting that I am not a techie and this could totally be my fault and I have missed something. But could someone be kind enough to explain to me what's going on and how to rectify it?

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