Can you help ID this fish?

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Sep 3, 2011
I picked a couple of these fish in Arabian/Persian gulf - to be politially correct :) Any idea what they are? aggressive? THey are hard to catch but i was lucky they swam into my net :)


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I picked a couple of these fish in Arabian/Persian gulf - to be politially correct :) Any idea what they are? aggressive? THey are hard to catch but i was lucky they swam into my net :)

It is a wrasse of some kind. Theres a couple of things I see wrong here..

1. Bringing home a fish you know nothing about
2. Taking wildstock from their natural habitat yourself and Idk if it was legal or not in that area.

Sure it's collector's jobs to capture these animals but when the hobbyist themselves go over board to personally be catching anything they can find it can be out of hand. Most of the time hobbyist only collect food or pest like lionfish and crown of thorns for feeders and such which no one in the ocean will miss.
Many people around the world collect from the wild.

It is a wrasse of some kind. Theres a couple of things I see wrong here..

1. Bringing home a fish you know nothing about
2. Taking wildstock from their natural habitat yourself and Idk if it was legal or not in that area.

Sure it's collector's jobs to capture these animals but when the hobbyist themselves go over board to personally be catching anything they can find it can be out of hand. Most of the time hobbyist only collect food or pest like lionfish and crown of thorns for feeders and such which no one in the ocean will miss.
It is a wrasse of some kind. Theres a couple of things I see wrong here..

1. Bringing home a fish you know nothing about
2. Taking wildstock from their natural habitat yourself and Idk if it was legal or not in that area.

Sure it's collector's jobs to capture these animals but when the hobbyist themselves go over board to personally be catching anything they can find it can be out of hand. Most of the time hobbyist only collect food or pest like lionfish and crown of thorns for feeders and such which no one in the ocean will miss.

He asked for an I.D. Not a lecture of what you think is right or wrong ;)
I know on RC there is an Aussie that collects wild corals and occasionally fish from the tidal pools. His pictures are awesome.
He asked for an I.D. Not a lecture of what you think is right or wrong ;)

Not only does he not need a lecture, he lives in Dubai, I don't think any of us know the laws in Dubai. I think he only caught the fish, at least he didn't use chemicals or a wide spread harvesting of an endangered species. It's one little fish for pete's sake. It looks like a wrasse, maybe an Adorned Wrasse, is as close as I can come. Reef safe with caution, peaceful, easy to care for, minimum tank size 50 gallons.
HAHA! good catch!

While the original post was from 2011, the first reply was current and was not the sort of response that should have been posted, in my opinion. While I don't like the taking fish from the wild, face it, it is what happens in this hobby and industry. I am sure all of the fish coming in from Hawaii, the Philippines and elsewhere, don't come freely and volunteer to spend the rest of their lives in our aquariums. It was not helping information that was being returned, no matter when the question was posted. It happens.
He asked for an I.D. Not a lecture of what you think is right or wrong ;)
JMO, I'm just pointing out what I know to the best of my knowledge whether its enough if not. Not lecturing its JMO, we all have different experiences which is what the forums are amazing for to provide as much education as possible instead of a single lfs or website telling you what to do and from my experiences collecting crayfish in the river is illegal for me so I figured it was far worst in the ocean (in certain areas of course). Otherwise every store would be a diver's den. I most certainly don't want to be apart of a forum flame war nor cause it.. its all JMO. But I think we can still all agree on the bringing a fish home without pior knowledge part..
JMO, I'm just pointing out what I know to the best of my knowledge whether its enough if not. Not lecturing its JMO, we all have different experiences which is what the forums are amazing for to provide as much education as possible instead of a single lfs or website telling you what to do and from my experiences collecting crayfish in the river is illegal for me so I figured it was far worst in the ocean (in certain areas of course). Otherwise every store would be a diver's den. I most certainly don't want to be apart of a forum flame war nor cause it.. its all JMO. But I think we can still all agree on the bringing a fish home without pior knowledge part..

I agree with study your fish before introducing them to see if they are compatible, but that is just a general rule. You still don't know what your going to get, that's why the question was asked. I didn't know what fish was compatible with what when I first started. I think that is why he was asking. You can't believe how unregulated catching fish for the hobby trade throughout the world is. The thing is, you can go into any fish store and ask them if their fish are wild caught or raised in aquariums by breeders. The majority are wild caught and some of the methods used in catching these fish is just horrific. Many fish just won't reproduce in captivity. There are several people in this forum who actually go diving in Hawaii and collect different species of fish and ship them back to their homes. No different. Sorry for coming down on you so hard, but I just want this forum to be a help to people who have questions and not a place to be jumping on people when they do something that we don't agree with. There are different ways to approach a subject, to get your point across and not appear so abrupt. I am sure you meant well, but it was on the harsh side, thus the response.-Earl
I agree with study your fish before introducing them to see if they are compatible, but that is just a general rule. You still don't know what your going to get, that's why the question was asked. I didn't know what fish was compatible with what when I first started. I think that is why he was asking. You can't believe how unregulated catching fish for the hobby trade throughout the world is. The thing is, you can go into any fish store and ask them if their fish are wild caught or raised in aquariums by breeders. The majority are wild caught and some of the methods used in catching these fish is just horrific. Many fish just won't reproduce in captivity. There are several people in this forum who actually go diving in Hawaii and collect different species of fish and ship them back to their homes. No different. Sorry for coming down on you so hard, but I just want this forum to be a help to people who have questions and not a place to be jumping on people when they do something that we don't agree with. There are different ways to approach a subject, to get your point across and not appear so abrupt. I am sure you meant well, but it was on the harsh side, thus the response.-Earl
Nah don't worry, we all just still learning here. Even the marine biolost who've been working with these animals don't know a fraction of whats really out there its so diverse. Speaking of when you first started... my setup when I first started after my first mantis shrimp was a 2 gallon with a pencil urchin.. peppermint shrimp... scarlet hermit... and a horseshoe crab... @-@.. that setup lasted less than a week.. everybody is in a library now.
It was posted in 2011, maybe he still doesn't know what it is and still needs to find out. I love looking up, " What is it" question. It isa learning experience.
It was posted in 2011, maybe he still doesn't know what it is and still needs to find out. I love looking up, " What is it" question. It isa learning experience.
And already as my learning experience, I learned a little bit about collecting wild caught specimens. Anyway, Its definitly a wrasse of some kind, its not an adorned wrasse because the spots are on the body not the fins... could still be a type of adorned wrasse as they look very similar.
Yes, that was the one thing that was throwing me off was that spot. I couldn't find one with any black spot on the side of the body. I went mostly with the color of the stripes.