Can you identify this fish disease?

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No redness and the fish still acts normally. I'll let you know if I observe any changes. The discoloration, or lack of scales, is still visible when light falls on the chromis at a specific angle.
hey dyzio

I sold a wet/dry to a friend, can you post a pic of your sump? my buddy transformed a wet/dry into a working fuge. just a thought. my tank became really stable after the plants. it is really amazing

thank you brendon, since i don't talk I need to type as much as possible and I chose to make bucketheadland a reef tank I have pin worms, decapitated heads, and made grave stones in my tank.

for the rest of you out there, buckethead and reef tanks!!!
I have the All Glass Mega Flow 3 sump. You can see its picture on the web. All I have inside it is a heater, skimmer, some small live rock fragments and a quiet one 3000 pump.

I am not up with the lingo, I diy alot of things. basically everything except the tank. Not sure what all that stuff means. mega overflow 3000 lol, OK well I am sure it is good. is there a place to put some plants in? with a light? or not really, send me a link to the picture if you can, i want to see it actually
hey dizio

I bought my old wet/dry from the same place. i like those people. there is no built in skimmer with this unit right? need to get a creative mind and see this thing in person to make it a fuge but it is possible , let me give you alink to my friends build, i sold him my wet dry from the same company and he made it a refugium.

this is his new tank with my old wet/dry that he made/transformed into a working refugium. see if it can help you. i know you bought a wet/dry and so did I but IMO fuges are better for the whole system in general.
I have a blue-green chromis that occasionaly shows those exact symptoms. After a sizable water change this discoloration disappears. FWItsWorth.

He lives in a shoal of 5.
I moved this thread to Steve's fish forum. Hopefully, Steve or Leebca will post their thoughts on this.
dyzio. There seems to be almost as many opinions as there are posters. :eek:

Let's start with some reasonable facts and assumptions.
Any fish, usually peaceful, placid, friendly can have a bad personality or one which just doesn't get along with another fish.
Any fish, supposed to hate or not get along with another fish, can get along fine. Usually another personality thing.

Chromis get along usually in groups of five even when one or two are of a negative personality. There are too many to target so no one fish gets the brunt of negative attention.

I keep Chromis in my quarantine tanks. I put two or three small ones in a 7 gallon space to show newcomers what to eat and to have some enthusiasm to eat -- dither fish. Every one in each group gets along. Now, years later they get along to the point that their tail streamers are an inch long.

With Chromis, anything is possible but usually they get along.

Fish with symptoms
The symptom you see is most often associated with poor water quality. Just because we test for 20 some odd water conditions doesn't mean there isn't any one of a hundred different problems with the water.

The best immediate action is to perform a large water change with water that is guaranteed the best -- use RO/DI for the make up/source water, test it properly for pH and salinity and temperature, and mix it properly, then perform a 60%+ water change. If you want to go a totally conservative route, you test the source water and then after making up the new salt water you test the fresh salt water (just to be sure the salt you are using isn't a bad batch).

You added fish to the tank too soon. I know the ammonia and nitrite looked good, but it takes months for an aquarium to settle in with all the different bacteria feeding off of organics (not just fish wastes). A reasonable approach with a FOWLR system is to put fish in about 2 or 3 months after the start up, and then, very slowly until the tank matures (up to 8 months).

Details are available here:
After starting over 400 marine aquarium systems since 1969 I have settled on the above slow but sure approach to success.

I have seen, treated, and saved fish like your Chromis. The aquarium water just isn't right for that fish. You can help the fish with the big water change and continue to make big changes every other day, slowly decreasing them in frequency and quantity. You can help that fish by providing top nutrition and immune boosters. You can further help the fish by looking for sources of water contamination. You should review the kind of source water you are using (I hope it isn't tap water) and verify through the test kits you have if it is pure. You can also test such water for organics (there are test kits for dissolved organics). Regarding source water, see here:

If the condition on the fish spreads or appears to get worse, get it into a hospital tank and treat it with an antibiotic. Fish die from water quality issues very easily and fairly fast, unless they have a good resource of energy and stamina. The antibiotic treatment won't cure the fish from bad water quality, but it will prevent secondary infections while (hopefully) the fish recovers.

Good luck! :)

Thank you lee for your kind and very informative answer. Even though Chromis are just "little fish in a big pond" it is wonderful that someone as knowledgable as yourself would take the time for this nice and beautiful little fish.

Debbie :)
Thanks leebca,
I do understand that the slower you do everything in a marine aquarium the better, but after looking at my empty tank for a month I could not stop myself. I did however use half of the water from a tank that has been set up for more than a year already, and the rest was RO/DI. Maybe I should have my RO/DI water tested a local aquarium store. I didn't notice any problems in my other tank, where I also used the same RO/DI water, but the water changes there were much smaller since it is a year old 40 gal tank. I also cured all the live rock that I added, and mixed it with live rock from my old tank. I'll try doing a big water change and see what happens next. Thanks again for all your advice.