I was referring to the low efficiency of skimmers at low organic levels when compared to other filtration methods like activated carbon. A properly setup tank in the beginning has a low organic waste level; unless you're curing rock that is. When all you have is cured rock, snails, hermits and odds and ends of other creatures the waste output is often too low to see much dark foam. Activated carbon, however, is effective at virtually any level. The point of all of this is that skimmers are incapable of removing every bit of waste in the water. Promoting an environment for our corals that is rich in organics isn't something we ought to be doing, because in all but the rarest of cases it's not the best approach.
I really don't think there's much of a disagreement here. Are there any negative effects to overskimming? Possibly, but you're talking about extreme cases at best. For the most part oversized skimmers will work on almost any system, especially when other conditions are met (lighting, feeding, etc.)