Car pictures

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and my custom sticker i was talking about that was a suprise is done.

No comments... Other than I guess you won't be putting any subs in the car as it will probably cause the car to "rub" :D

Oh HELL with this, We are all civilized for the most part and most folks here should be able to have differing views and the such. So I will let you know what I think of the secret sticker. All from my heart and soul.

IMO I wouldn't put that on my car. I've known many people who are a little heavy or could stand to loose a few pounds. And their not all females, But I never kicked any of my friends out because of there weight. Don't put people down because of the way they look, just, just makes them feel worst.

I was glad to have 2 of my homies cover my back in hard times. Are you going to say they cannot ride with you? Yeah, I think NOT! they'd probably just B!T(H slap you and take your ride.

People don't like being called names when they're not caucasian, this is no different. If you're of a race other than "White" then hoe do you feel when someone calls you a name or looks at you funny? Or stares at you because you look different. Same thing Dude.

I'm sorry about having to post but I just cannot tolerate folks thinking it's okay to make jokes at other poeples expense and not knowing what types of consquenses could happen because of a stupid sticker.

Okay I shall stop typing now as I have join my beautiful baby got back wife in bed, so that I may tell here how much I care that she is in my life, how much she means to me. Arrggg.... It's not the persons body you should look at, it should be the persons inside, their personality, likes and dislikes... You get the idea. I've found my right mate and we crossed paths numerious times over a 25 year period.

Good night and have fun with tha sticka. Hope u at least roll with the WS
ooo i will have subs maybe just 1 12 but it will be there.ahha

i understand what you are tryin to say. but as you said in your post its just a sticker? and if that makes that person want to slap me i think they have more then a wieght problem? i got this sticker made to replace the other one that say scrape rather then rub. the new one has a piicture of my car the the old one has a picture off a overwieght femail stick person with them crossed out. which one do you like better?haa

Every single person who has seen that sticker from my greatgrama to my mom little sister, people at car meets, random people who look at the car, OVER WIEGHT or more then average people, look at that sticker and laugh never heard one bad thing about it. and i am diffently not like that to not have someone ride in my car because of there wieght? its impossible to read what the stickers say anyway unless you are actually right by the back window and even up close its hard to read.

but yes some people can still take it the wrong way and i am sorry to see that. its a sticker hahaha it doesnt say i hate overweight people it says my car is redicuolusly low and i will rub and scrape if there is anybody in my car besides me.

maybe i should get one thats says "only seats one car to low"? but where is the fun in that?
Here's a good West Coast G decal.



Be warned, these are copyrighted and I will in no way be liable for these decals if they're placed into or onto a vechile. These are deathing in parts of Cali. :D
that would be a pretty defficult decal to put on your car. im not even from LA or Cali?hahaha

Here's a good West Coast G decal.



Be warned, these are copyrighted and I will in no way be liable for these decals if they're placed into or onto a vechile. These are deathing in parts of Cali. :D
No offense, Just need to be careful on what you put on your vehicle. Hell, I had a guy try and pick a fight with me because of the decals that I had on the back window of my van. Here's a photo of that sticker. No joke! He kept calling me a tough guy and started to get out of his truck, we'll leave it at that. *lol*



Isn't this topic suppose to be Car Pics and not stickers and rebuilds?

Let's get this topic back on track, shall we?

Isn't this topic suppose to be Car Pics and not stickers and rebuilds?

Let's get this topic back on track, shall we?


And what is wrong with including rebuilds in this thread? Those are still car pictures...and will eventually lead to a final product picture in a few months. :)
same thing i was thinking? im bringing my car into my auto body class next month to pull my motor out and start shaving my bay and need to share pics of the proccess with the fish friends hahaha
Anybody know what has to be done to get something like this trademarked?


Trademarks cost more that copyrights. Here's some ifo for both. I've done both trademarks and copyrights and would say that for a business you would want to trademark otherwise for a group or individual you would probably be bast served with a copyright. Copyrights last for 100+ years.

Trademarks, copyrights both differ. A copyright protects an original artistic or literary work. A trademark is a word, phrase, symbol or design, or a combination of words, phrases, symbols or designs, that identifies and distinguishes the source of the goods of one party from those of others. So you can see where the business asspect comes into the trademarking versus taht of a copyright.

U.S. Copyright Office
Trademark, copyright or patent?
Trademarks cost more that copyrights. Here's some ifo for both. I've done both trademarks and copyrights and would say that for a business you would want to trademark otherwise for a group or individual you would probably be bast served with a copyright. Copyrights last for 100+ years.

Trademarks, copyrights both differ. A copyright protects an original artistic or literary work. A trademark is a word, phrase, symbol or design, or a combination of words, phrases, symbols or designs, that identifies and distinguishes the source of the goods of one party from those of others. So you can see where the business asspect comes into the trademarking versus taht of a copyright.

U.S. Copyright Office
Trademark, copyright or patent?

okay sweet now with that said which one do you think would be best for a little old sticker?hahahah

im thinking Copy right is what you are suggesting?
okay sweet now with that said which one do you think would be best for a little old sticker?hahahah

im thinking Copy right is what you are suggesting?

I'd say go with the copyright. That is what I do for all my images that are non business related. I've desgined simple car club images and have always copyrighted them.