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Go to a NASCAR race, you will get your fill of wierd, funny things happening. Or for that matter, the left field bleachers in Wrigley Field in Chitown always provided me with some pretty strange memories.


Baseball absolutely bores me but I did like going to Wrigley Field to watch them play against the Cardinals.
Go to a NASCAR race, you will get your fill of wierd, funny things happening. Or for that matter, the left field bleachers in Wrigley Field in Chitown always provided me with some pretty strange memories.

I had a friend from Virginia who told me it's never a good idea to sit in the front rows of a Nascar race. I said "yeah, bad idea, the cars could hit you if they wipe out." But she said "no, because all the rednecks in the bleachers above you throw their Budweiser cans down on you".

It was then that I understood the reason to go to a Nascar race isn't to watch the cars, but to drink cheap beer.
LOL you know in Mexico when you go to a futball/soccer game you better sit at the top because people throw their cans or even bottles full of pee pee on you...... specially if your rooting for the other team .
Somebody throws a can of pee on me I am going to throw a 45 cal hydra shok at them.:D
That is gross about the pee.......yuck!

LOL!!! yeah i only went once to our soccer stadium and that was plenty :p .
Now i do feel sorry for the soccer players because sometimes men get so into the game that if they loose at the end and it was and important match.....ohh boy they throw things at them :eek: :rolleyes: .
A few years back a friend and myself were travelling south on I-5 here in WA. We were coming up on a pickup truck with a in-bed camper on the back. As we were approaching the pickup/camper, we noticed the back door of the camper open up just a bit. A minute later and cat pokes his head out the door. Then, the cat decides to get out of the camper & out onto the bumper. So, we're travelling on the freeway at 65mph and watching this cat standing on the guy's bumper. We're thinking OMG! Next thing we know, the cat moves over to the right edge of the bumper & is poised to jump. We both start shouting out loud "don't do it"! The cat is poised to jump & you can almost see the thought process going thru its head. About 30 seconds later, it jumps...hits the pavement & starts rolling off the side of the shoulder. Luckily for the cat, they were travelling in the right-most lane so it didn't get hit by a car or truck. I pulled forward next to the pickup, we rolled down the passenger window & started honking. Took a few minutes before the people would give us their attention, but finally the driver rolled down the window & we shouted to him that their cat had just jumped out the back. They pulled over at the next exit & we continued on our way. Never got to find out the ending, but I'd be surprised if they found the cat. I am pretty sure the cat survived, but that's just a guess. I'm sure if it did, it was plenty freaked out.