Carlos 60 gallon new tank

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I made a very stupid mistake Today while doing a water change. I did not realize that the new water had a lower salinity and by the time I figured it out, I had the salinity in the main tank down to 1023 (I usually keep it at 1025).

The clowns and corals look fine so far, half an hour later.

What should I do? :eek:
That's not too too bad Carlos. Just slowly raise it back up to the proper level and you should be fine. I've had the same thing happen a few times before and all was well :)
I feel better now, thank you guys for your responses.

While cleaning the tank I also found that I have kind of refugium in my overflow box. It was full of hair algae, some bubble algae and even some diatoms. I am amazed that all of that is not growing all over tank.

I tested my Nitrates and Phosphates and they are both at 0. Since my current bioload is so low I'm guessing that the extra nutrients are coming from the food and also my skimmer has not been working well for the last 2 months. I'm still waiting to get the new one which I should have sometime soon.

Is there anything else I can do in the meantime besides constant water changes?
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Wow it's been a while since my last post. Anyway I got my skimmer last week but it came broken so now I am waiting for a replacement, also my new sump is on its way, hopefully I will be working on all the upgrades in a couple of weeks. :)
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Well I finally got a chance last week to hook up my new skimmer and sump. I hope to have it all done in a few days.

By the way, I noticed that my Alk and Calcium never go down. Apparently, the water changes every 2 weeks keep the levels up without adding anything else. Does that mean I need to get more corals?

Also I just got a new Royal Gramma a couple of days ago and of course is in the QT for now. Hopefully I will have better luck this time.

I will post some pictures of the new setup once I have ready.
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By the way, I noticed that my Alk and Calcium never go down. Apparently, the water changes every 2 weeks keep the levels up without adding anything else. Does that mean I need to get more corals?

i don't remember if you said it earlyer but how are you testing your Cal/ alk ? some tests can say that you are good while you might be low on something :p .
the more corals you get the more Cal/alk your tank is gonna be consuming from what i understand hehe :) .
I love your avatar Gaby, it makes me laugh everytime I see it. :)

I use Salifert test kits. For now I will continue adding some more corals to see what happens.
I love your avatar Gaby, it makes me laugh everytime I see it.

I use Salifert test kits. For now I will continue adding some more corals to see what happens.

lol !! cookie!!! :p :D.

you should try checking your params with a different test kit from someone, i have heard that salifert test kits can be not that reliable.

other than that.... keep adding :shock::p
That's a good idea Gaby. I'm going to take a sample of my water to my LFS and see if their results match they ones that I'm getting.

Thanks for the tip! :)
Saliflert had some issues with their alk kits from what Ive read but they still have a good or one of the better product line of test kits.
I took this picture of the tank Tonight. It's starting to look like a reef now. What do you think?

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Very nice Reef Tank Carlos, In time as it grows & gets bigger it will be so cool to say "Hey I did That" IMO that is a great Success! Congrats!;)
Thanks a lot for your compliments guys!

A fellow reefer tested my water this weekend and he got pretty much the same results for my Alk and Calcium.

Right now I am having a problem with my pH. It is swinging from 7.70 to 8.35 and that can't be good. Hopefully I will have the refugium up and running this week and that will be taken care of.
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