Carlos 60 gallon new tank

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Hey Carlos! If you're just adding in, then you can go ahead and just toss it in. I'd turn off the flow and pour it in slowly so as to not create that much of a mess. How much are you thinking on adding? :)
Krish, long time no "see". I was going to add about 20 lbs more of the same sand that I have which I think was arag-alive.

So how have you been? how's the wife and the kids? do you have a tank running now?

I need your help. I have a hair algae blum that's taking over the tank. I have been fighting it for the last 2 months with water changes, carbon, phosban, etc, but nothing seems to help.

Somebody suggested to raise my Magnesium up to 1400. What do you think?
I have a bunch of little white star fish all in the tank. At first, I thought they were cool but now I have them all over. Is it a pest? if so, how do I get rid off them?

Also, I have a lot of red spots on a side of the tank, they do not attach firmly to the sand or the live rock.

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Those little starfish are called asterinas. Harmless scavengers. I'm a little worried about the red dots as they look like they could be flat worms. Can you get a real close up picture?
Damn it! they are flat worms, I just googled it and found a few pictures.

I guess I'm going to try to siphon them out of the tank and if that does not work, I will try the Salifert Flatworm Exit.

How toxic are they?
They are not really toxic unless you have a massive die off. I would siphon as many as you can out and then add a fish that eats them. A wrasse would be your best bet.
get a six line dood, he'd take care of them which is the natural way, but he might or he might not eat them OR use flatworm exit.
Last night I decided to siphon out as much as possible and I got rid of most of them for now. I would consider a six line wrasse but I read that they are a hit or miss with flatworms and also they can bother my firefish and my anthias so I guess I will see if they come back and if they do, I will try the flatworm exit.
You may try a Mystery Wrasse ( it is on the pricey side but very pretty) they are pretty docile. I have one and it don't bother anyone it is always picking on the rock eating something.
I love those Mistery Wrasse but the wife would kill me if I spend that much in a single fish. Talking about wrasse, I just ordered this beautiful McCosker from Live Aquaria Diver's Dent, I don't expect him to help with the flat worms but I always wanted one so wish me luck.


I think, my fish list is now complete. I might add a Blue/Green Chromis later on.

This weekend I added a couple of nice upgrades to the tank. First, I upgraded my lighting from a Tek retrofit 4 x 54 to a Tek fixture 6 x 54; I really wanted to get an ATI Powermodule but they are currently out of stock so I am currently on the waiting list. The new fixture looks super nice on the tank and the new bulb selection make the tank look super bright and crispy.

I also replaced my 2 Koralia #3 for 2 Tunze Nanostream 6055 (the controllable ones). They look way nicer and also smaller; now I am waiting for the new Tunze USB controller that it is suppose to be out by the end of the year.

I will post some pictures soon!
Unfortunately, the beautiful McCosker's in the picture above didn't make it but I got a "replacement" (I know it sounds terrible).

This one seems to be doing well so far, he ate Today and is all over the tank.

Wish me luck! :)
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