cause of xenia meltdown

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Did you touch my drum set
Jan 9, 2006
Just wondering if anyone had a reason that every couple of months my xenia pop. has a complete meltdown. It will go right down to slick spots, and then regrow and once again repeat. It does conitinue to split etc. but just can't get ti going. Everything else is doing well and parameters are good. Lighting is t-5 on a 15" tall tank.
No real temp changes. I guess the salinity could have played a part. Thanks for the input
No problem. I have some in my 30 that are doing just that right now.
I forgot to top off the water for a couple days so it fit the pattern I read elsewhere.
well, if your xenia is able to regrow, then your xenia are probably not melting, but instead being eaten by something. I used to have a very similar problem, where only a couple of my xenia stalks would lose all it's 'arms' and the stalk was the only thing left with tiny polpys sticking out of. i eventually got rid of some hitchhiker crab and my yellow tang, then the problem stopped, unfortunately i don't know which one was the culprit.


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