Center Aquarium Strip

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Jul 15, 2006
Is it okay to cut the plastic center strip off from the top of the tank to let more of the light thru?
If acrylic you can move the brace sometimes or do eurobracing around the edge. but glass I wouldn't recomend it.
I agree...If it is an All-glass tank, it is there for support. I thought of doing the same before, but was advised not to by an All-Glass dealer:)
i believe joshinjosh bought a tank for pretty cheap(maybe free?!) and the middle brace was warped to where it was not taught (so it basically acted as if it werent there)..and the thing bows like crazy i have never see anything bow so much, we both think its going to burst... its kind of good if u want some excitement.. somepeople like to live on the edge and enjoy scary things..cutting that middle brace would sure be scary, i sure wouldnt beable to sleep well atnight=P
If you are handy you can remove it with the tank empty and replace with clear acrylic. You do run the risk of the tank bowing if you dont attach it well.
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Plastic strip

I believe you are all right, I believe it gives support, what if any thing can you do about the light that it blocks?
I cut mine off and replaced it with acrylic. My tank has been fine for over a year now. Though I wouldn't cut it off and not replace it with something.