Changing out a ballast

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Well-known member
Feb 3, 2008
Whitefish, Montana, United States
So, I thought I'd start a new thread instead of taking over someone else's.
I have an 80 gallon with a 4 foot Current USA light fixture which houses 2 actinic and 2 daylight bulbs. I noticed one day that one of the actinics had burned out (or so I thought). As I'm hunting to find new actinic bulbs, a week or so later another actinic burns out. Noone seems to know what the problem is and so I'm thinking that I'm going to need to buy a new fixture. I got on the marine and reef website, made a phone call and the guy there told me that one of my ballasts was probably bad and should be replaced. I give him the model number of my fixture and he sends me the "appropriate" ballast. That night, right after lights out, I nervously take the fixture off the tank and take it all apart, hoping to God that I can put it back together again. (No help from the 2 men in my house, btw). I open it up expecting to see 2 ballasts but no....there are 4, one for each light. I put the fixture back together, cursing under my breath, at 9 something at night. This is the email that I received, "For a very brief time, I think February 09, Current USA put single ballasts
in their four lamp fixtures and did not tell anyone. They never made the
single T5 ballast available. However, you should be able to use this ballast
to power two of the bulbs, you just have to follow the wiring diagram on the
ballast." Isn't that just my luck. Now, not only do I have to take the friggin fixture apart again, I have to try to retrofit this ballast to work on two light fixture and find a way to attach the new ballast to the fixture. I was simply proud of myself for taking it apart and putting it back together, now this. You guys laugh if you want but this is no laughing matter for a blonde. What if I put it back together and it doesn't work? I don't have a backup. Egad!

Sorry to hear about your problems. I am very good at replacing ballasts. I did it for a living for 10 years. Let me know if I can be of help!

Best regards,
Cultivated Reef
Do you have a picture of the lamp apart and the wiring diagram you should use? The good news is that most wires are color coded so a quick snip and a wire nut latter you should be good.

If you have a part number I can try to dig something up. Nothing like having a picture of a different number of lamps on the ballast than in the fixture.
hey Cynthia,

did you get it done? Julie and i will be at Charlie's tonight. if you haven't got the ballast swapped out maybe i could help you? it should only take a couple minutes to do. i think you have Julies cell number, give us a call.

Hi Cynthia- This sounds like the typical repair/maintenance problem...anything that involves a hardware store for plumbing or electricity. The trick is to make an initial estimate of how many trip(S) it will take to get the job done & then have an open chunk of time...It can NEVER be as simple as 1-2-3 we're done. It MUST always turn into a long, involved, convoluted, labor intensive, freaking-drive-ya-nutz experience. The *surprise* multiple ballasts sounds like a new twist to the added frustration quotient of the typical electrical fix-it job, you have my deepest sympathy! Really!
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I was all ready to go today. Cleared off the kitchen table. Got out my tools. Once I got the fixture completely taken apart, I realized that because I was replacing two ballasts with one, because of the way they were situated, I was going to have to do some splicing and adding of wire. NO WAY was I gonna do this on my own so I shoved everything in the car and headed over to my dad's. He had a heat gun, crimps, wire insulation, etc etc. It took a couple of hours or more and several trips up and down the stairs to the basement to get supplies but we/he finally got it done. Lights are back on and corals are happy. Here are a couple of pix to show you why I was so frustrated. Thanks for the comments and offers to help everyone!
Glad to hear you got that taken care of. I still have your turbo calcium by the way, it hasn't run away yet.

As far as the pics go, I haven't gotten that science down yet either, so I just post them from my computer. It pisses people off, but you know how that goes:D

Well, that didn't work. Anyone want to tell me how to add a photo? I use, copy the link and post.

I've been using Flickr, and copying the BB Code. The other formats don't work for me.