Changing salt mix

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Don - what if the mix contains N? Don't you think that would fuel the cyano? My thoughts are more frequent water changes = more of a N input?
My second thought was draining my tank into my wifes bath tub. Fire up the jets for circulation and drop in a skimmer. Make all new water for my tank then reacclimating the corals. Then I would just tell my wife that you said that was the only way it could be done. You also told me that I need to add at least a dozen new colonies to help lower the Mg.
That works for me, lol Tell her that with all that epson salt (mag. sulfate) she could bath in it and it would relax her?? That way it would set you up for the coral order. Remember its always about her!!!!!!!!!

Mike - I was talking with a local reefer about some cyano problems, and he indicated he began having cyano problems in his tank when he switched to doing more frequent water changes (also problems in a very large system). Same with some customers. People doing more frequent water changes have cyano issues, while others don't. Are you thinking there is nitrogen in it?
Its a thought Nikki. Pretty much every salt has either Phosphate or nitrogen.

mojoreef said:
Remember its always about her!!!!!!!!!

Yeah....we fall for that everytime. We don't really believe it....we just take what we can get. Hahaha - I was taught early on....."the man is always right" :rolleyes:
Just to add info on this thread... I know that its been mentioned already... but here it is...

Just tested a freshly mixed 5 gallon IO....with more than 24 hours being mixed, temp at 80.

CA = 350
ALK = 5meg/l or 14dkh

Quite high on the ALK side but thats ok.... my tank has a consistent low alk and high CA (and I wonder high). In this case, I will stop adding PartB IONIC for now and just use water change instead until it balance....

PH before water change.... is around 7.8(lowest) now it is around 8.1 (lowest).

thanks for the info Cesar. I'm mixing up a 5 gallon batch of IO today as well. I'm going to try to lower my Magnesium levels from using Oceanic for so long. I'm going to have to re-balance my tank as well after having it balanced for almost 3 weeks! :(
too bad i dont have magnesium test.... can you post your tests and see i my test are consistent with their salts?
yeah i'll do the basic tests on IO - alk, calc, pH, magnesium after i let it mix for a while.

what salinity do you mix yours at? i usually go up to 1.026 or just a tad below...maybe 1.0255
Suprisingly, I dont test for salinity... just 4 cups per 5 gallon of water.... Last time I checked (using a glass hydrometer) is it is about right.... now the definition of about right is a mystery.... he he he he... i need to get one of those refractometers.
ok i just poured in the salt mix - i'll do the tests later on this evening. i forgot how long it takes for IO to become clear and mixed properly.
ok here are the results - i did the test twice on 2 different batches i made just to verify the readings.

Instant Ocean mixed to 1.025 - this mix is about 6 months old.
Alk - 10.2 / 3.66
Calc - 360
Magnesium - 1200
pH - 8.2
mattseattle said:
ok here are the results - i did the test twice on 2 different batches i made just to verify the readings.

Instant Ocean mixed to 1.025 - this mix is about 6 months old.
Alk - 10.2 / 3.66
Calc - 360
Magnesium - 1200
pH - 8.2

Thanks Matt, those results are not bad at all!

i know - after i did the tests i had to think hard why i ever switched to oceanic. i can't remember why i did except for the sales on the 200 gallon bucket for 29.99. i did a partial water change tonight with IO. probably use up the IO I have to lower my magnesium down to 1250 - 1300 instead of the 1470 or so it's at now. See how my corals and all like that.
I am using Oceanic now but I'm going to switch but instead of going back to IO I wanted to try "Tropic Marin" does anyone have specs and experience with this salt? It's a little bit more money but if it doesn't need as much doctoring up I think it would be worth it.

Matt - do you have a phosphate test kit? I'm interested in phosphate contet, as well.

I found a post from mojo awhile back, and it shows some info on the phosphate content of some salt brands. Tropic Marin is high in phosphates, so Dwaine, that is something to consider: Single Post - Phosphate discussion
NaH2O said:
Matt - do you have a phosphate test kit? I'm interested in phosphate contet, as well.

I found a post from mojo awhile back, and it shows some info on the phosphate content of some salt brands. Tropic Marin is high in phosphates, so Dwaine, that is something to consider: Single Post - Phosphate discussion

Thanks for pointing out the Phosphate issue with Tropic Marin!

I had people tell me IO was very high in phosphates, & none in Tropic marin, I haven't actually tested TM, or IO, I would like to see another test on the two, If I could afford to I would myself but since I can't, I've stuck to IO based on the given past test results.