Check out my 5 month old tank

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Adam Black

More cow bell
Sep 21, 2007
Standard 65g 36x18x24. This pic is recent. I took this one with 14k 250w Hamiltons. I'll post others with 250 10k Al. I like the 14k better. What do you think?


Thanks Everyone! I only have 18 front to back to work with so the aquascape is still not where i want it to be but O well, it works for me. Before I got this tank I had a 40g that was only 15W and I made it work. The next tank I get will be 48L24W and 20T. But that years away!I have to make all the corals grow in before I upgrade. Here's a few pics of equipment. The second pic is a few weeks old, I just recently purchased the Acjr with the dc-8 and Byebye went the powerstrips and timers!
Are those Blue/Green chromis or just the Blue chromis? I'm looking into getting some of these. Do you like yours?

They are the Blue/green chroomis. I like them. I had 5 but I think they kind of bullied eachother down to 2. I've had these to for a few months now.I don't think there going anywhere.