Chiller question (again)

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Oct 22, 2004
Nassau, Bahamas
For those of you that have chillers, I was just curious as to how long your chillers run for during each cycle? Mine started out only running 1 and 1/2 minutes per cycle, and now I've just noticed the chiller will stay on for about 10-15 mintues at a time! Are they designed to run that long each time? I removed the cabinet I made for it today to see if it would help any, but so far I don't see any difference...
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it sounds like you either have some buildup in the tubing already( which is very fast) or your load has increased(is it warmer now?)
The tubing is crystal clear like new and yes, it has gotten a lot hotter here. I had to lower the ventral air's thermostat a bit more today downstairs. I'm sure that will do the trick, but I am still curious if it will cause a problem with the chiller if it runs that long during each cycle?
Thanks for the reply Anthony:) I just went downstairs and the chiller seems to be back to it's regular 1 1/2 minute cycles again. It only took turning down the thermostat about 2 degrees on the central air down there. I did take the cabinet off as well, so I'll put it back on tomorrow and see if it makes a difference, but it never did before so I'm thinking it may be fine. My main concern was really if it was bad for the chiller to be running for long periods at a time. I know the ac and the refrigetator runs more than 1 1/2 minutes each time it kicks in and was curious if a chiller was fine running the same way. 24/7 is a long time for you guys over that way! :shock:
LOL, we have hot summers, especially on the coast where humidty is a killer.
AC unit at home works overtime in the summer. 1 1/2 minutes is a really short time for the chiller to be running, the AC must be doing most of the cooling work.
How often does it switch on and off ?
How often does it switch on and off ?

In the beginning it was maybe every 15-20 minutes it would kick in and run for 1 1/2 minutes. Now, I'd say ever 5-10 minutes.

I'm sure they do run a long time it may seem, just like my central a/c does in summer.

Yeah, thanks Scooter. I know when it starts getting a bit cool here around November, the tank does good on it's own. I guess this summer will be a killer so everything will be working overtime! :)
It isn't even the hottest time of the year yet so get ready!
You might want to check your air circulation now, remember when you put it in the stand & it was slightly blocked up front, you may want to try & get maximum air for it & see if it makes any difference, if it doesn't then you know your stand is good. It should run less at night also check that out & see how it is doing, you may need to install a web cam & watch it from work 24/7 :D
He-he had to toss that in, if your getting good air flow front & back & it isn't sucking in heated air from the stand I'm sure it is doing it's job & you'll be fine, this makes me re-think what size I'll need for mine, If I'll need one at all that is:)
Thanks Scooter...I will keep an eye on it. I left the cabinet off to see how it goes and may end up leaving it off just to be safe for the summer. I had to change my shirt after being outside for 2 hours today. I was soaked in sweat!!! :eek: Sounds like it will be the boat tomorrow though:p

Just a thought, I have always thought it was better for something to run, than to stop and start frequently.

I agree with you Steve for the most part. I feel some things should run for a few hours non-stop and then shut off for a bit to cool down etc. rather than off on off on. That's the way I feel about my new generator (which I got a chance to test out today after a 1 hour power outtage for the first time which worked great!) I was just un-sure if the chiller is ok running that way...
That would be true Steve but the time it isn't running may also come into play. If it cycled on & off say ten times in one hour & now it comes on just once in one hour then yes that would be better. Krish get a timer out:D
its actually better for the chiller to have a longer run time as this helps with oil return to the compressor and it is more efficient with longer run times than short ones. think of a car on the highway compared to in town driving. starting takes about three times more energy than running. having short run times wont kill the compressor as long as it doesn turn off and then immediately turn back on frequently. if it has a few minutes off or more this is ok.
Krish get a timer out

LOL...No problem:D

its actually better for the chiller to have a longer run time as this helps with oil return to the compressor and it is more efficient with longer run times than short ones. think of a car on the highway compared to in town driving. starting takes about three times more energy than running. having short run times wont kill the compressor as long as it doesn turn off and then immediately turn back on frequently. if it has a few minutes off or more this is ok.

Very cool. :cool: Makes sense...:)
I have the same pacific coast chiller and mine runs for about 10 minutes every 40 or so minutes when the lights are on. My lights are pretty close to the water. When I change out the bulbs I'm going to raise up a little.

Also have 2 small fans blowing across the top of the water 24/7.