I'm new to the Forum in fact this is the first time I've ever used an internet forum. You'll have to excuse me if I end up in the wrong place. I have a reef tank (36 gallon Bow front) with many nice corals blue torts, dendras, gorgonians, rainbow acans, colorful acros, blue tubs and so on. Not my first tank. Have been in the hobby for some time everything seems to be fine nitrates, calcium, DKH ect. It has been running for about a year with no casualties until now. I recently bought a X-mas favia and was doing fine until a few weeks later. It began to melt at one side. I used a tool to cut the dead tissue away (believe it was called a dremmel) But a day or two later new heads starting melting. I have researched favias and know the care but am having problems understanding why it's not doing well. I do think I have a mantis shrimp in the tank (snapping at night but sand bed is straight so I don't think it's a pistol) but it has not caused any damage before. Anyone Have any experience with these. Thanks