Clam Spawning

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Well-known member
Dec 20, 2005
Mr. Calfo, I think remember you saying you wanted reports of spawnings. My clam spawned tonight and I took some picks. It started around midnight, a few hours after I had done a <20% change:




Thanks guys!

Well, I couldn't really do another water change (since I'd just done one and didn't have enough R/O water left). But I did turn on the protein skimmer which had been mostly dormant the past few weeks. ;)
Why do you think so? I figured the corals and filter feeders would just eat it...
Why do you think so? I figured the corals and filter feeders would just eat it...

It all depends on how big the spawn was and the amount of water volume it's in.

The spawn dies, you get a bacteria explosion, the bacteria respirate, and then Dissolved Oxygen drops big time. Watch your fish and see if they are gasping for "air". You might even find some gulping air at the top of the tank.

The skimmer was a good idea. If you have an airpump, I would probably kick that on as well. Mechanical filtration can also be useful.
I've got a hot magnum with some carbon going... maybe that will help. I can do another water change tomorrow, but not today (not enough water).
I did have to use some of a different brand of salt than the Tropic Marin I've used for the past year or so. I don't know if that would have been enough to do it though...
Yeah... the tanks seem fine. I actually never gave any thought to a potential "problem" until people started asking me if I did a water change afterwards. But maybe it takes a few days to see the "damage" from it. I'm going to do another water change just in case though. :)

One other explanation as to why I may not being seeing a problem is that I have a dear friend who supplies me with endless phytoplankton and other aquarium foods. So I feed my tanks ridiculously heavy. This might have made my tanks more apt to handle high nutrient loads. But that's just a guess...
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My Derasa spawned about a year ago in my old tank. I was soooooo stoked I was there to see it:D
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So I feed my tanks ridiculously heavy. This might have made my tanks more apt to handle high nutrient loads. But that's just a guess...
Good Guess!!! That and it will just bind up in your sandbed. I used to run a moon light type simulator and everytime it came on my clams would spawn, then the urchins would cut was a cornacopia of debotchery :p . It got so bad I turned the moon lights off, but then as soon as someone would turn the lights out in the room and turn on the TV they would go again. it was brutal. I ended up having to cover the glass at night for a couple of months to get them off the cycle. Darn things

yes, thank you for sharing! Its always interesting to see. And FWIW, I do not agree that it was necessarily stress induced spawning. Tridacnids as often or more spawn with the lunar calender (BOCP1ed2) or simply from being well fed/conditioned. A shock will induce it too (heat or cold stress are what the farmers sometimes use to trip them).

It it noteworthy perhaps to mention that you most likely only had sperm released as maximas and croceas have to be rather large and old before they are developed enough to release eggs.

Most tridacnid gametes released in aquaria are sperm only from younger clam specimens (under 5-7" clam shell length approx for the species mentioned)

kudos Sara on the posting/event.
And FWIW, I do not agree that it was necessarily stress induced spawning. Tridacnids as often or more spawn with the lunar calender (BOCP1ed2) or simply from being well fed/conditioned.

Anthony, that pretty much my point, lunar cycles trigger clams to spawn in the wild, so unless Sara is simulating lunar fazes in sync with the actual lunar cycle its probably not going to happen naturally. add to that a water change with a different salt mix 2 hours before