Clam Spawning

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but there is no need to simulate lunar phases... the lunar pull is what is is, regardless of the presence of moonlight or not. And while the water change around the time of a full moon my help induce spawning... it is pale as an influence compared to a simply healthy/conditioned animal and the inalienable influence of lunar pull.
but there is no need to simulate lunar phases... the lunar pull is what is is, regardless of the presence of moonlight or not.

Definitely. And oddly enough, it seems like most people (even some academics) apparently don't know this. It's not the moonlight that cues the coral spawnings... its the greater lunar force that coincides with the lunar phases.

Most tridacnid gametes released in aquaria are sperm only from younger clam specimens (under 5-7" clam shell length approx for the species mentioned)

That's really interesting. I didn't know that. So, clams are hermaphrodites that can change sex with age? Am I understanding you right?
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Btw, speaking of lunar cycles, there's a cool little program on here: (at the bottom)

It gives the lunar phase of the day (updates automatically). I think you can even set it to different geographical locations. :)
your right, it is what it is. and the last full moon was April 2. the 24th was first quarter moon

I could be wrong, but I don't think Anthony was arguing that my spawning event was necessary cued by a lunar event. I think he was simply addressing the comment suggesting that unless someone has lunar lights mimicking lunar phases, that any spawn must be stress induced.
your right, it is what it is. and the last full moon was April 2. the 24th was first quarter moon

It was my understanding that giant clam spawning was more active a week or so after a new moon. If thats acurate the 24th I think was just over a week after the new moon.
Or maybe it was just happy to see you:) Who knows but something else to think about.
