Clams dying need help!!

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Jul 28, 2005
Over the last week in my 100gal tank I have lost my 8" Gigas clam, 3" maxima, and now am losing 1 of my crocea. I have added nothing to the tank for at least 6 months. Up till now my calcium and alkalinity levels were on the low side running between 325-350ppm Ca, and about 8 dKH alkalinity. I have always been battling phosphate levels but never seem to have an effect on my clams. For the last month or two I have had elevated nitrate levels of 40-50ppm but all other water paramaters are within range (pH, Nitrite, Ammonia etc) My water parameters are now:

Ca 430 ppm
KH 10 dKH
N02 .01 ppm
N03 50 ppm
NH4 0 ppm
P04 .03 ppm
Mg 1400 ppm

I haven't noticed any type of snails or other type predator either in the day or at night attacking any of the clam's so I am really stumped on this one.
Any ideas are badly needed!!:cry:
Water changes and carbon. You have to keep that nitrate way down. When you say you lost a 8" gigas. Did he die in the tank and release from the shell?

now that must be sad for u to loose such beautifl clams add some macro alage and maybe a couple of cleaner clams.
it is a clam that looks like the ones u see on the beach and it does not have any lighting requirements check it out on
it is a clam that looks like the ones u see on the beach and it does not have any lighting requirements check it out on

:lol: They are good steamed with butter and a little tabsco. It take some serious clams to get any noticable reduction in nitrates. Much much more than the little ones the thread starter had die.

Sounds like mentioned, your not keeping up enough with water changes, do some frequent & large volume changes until things get better, this will always help when you can't explain problems, can't hurt either If your making water up properly.
What are the dimensions of the tank ? Where are they placed and how far from the lights ? What type of lighting are you using and how many watts ? What is your current fish list ? Have you examined the clams carefully for any pyramid snails ? What are you using to maintain your cal/alk levels and how often are you testing ?
Phosphate, Nitrate and low Calcium are the probable reasons. Took their toll over time. Water changes. Water changes. Water changes. And keep Calcium 425-450+/-. What about lighting as mentioned above? Calcium, proper lighting, and water quality and they should be happy...
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Phosphate, Nitrate and low Calcium are the probable reasons. Took their toll over time. Water changes. Water changes. Water changes. And keep Calcium 425-450+/-. What about lighting as mentioned above? Calcium, proper lighting, and water quality and they should be happy...

Ca does not need to be that high. 380 to 400 is fine. Nitrates are probably the biggest issue. The combonation of all, low alk, ca and high nitrates is a sure sign that water quality was allowed to fall behind. When one clam dies they cause serious pollution especially if they release from the shell. This will in turn kill others soon after. Before restocking I would just make sure water quality is brought back into check and lighting is fitting of raising clams.

Dido on the water changes. I was having some troubles with my sps not opening and good size water changes seemed to fix the problem. I found out for my tank and bio load, once a month 20% is just not enough.
nitrates at a level of 50ppm is high and may be detrimental to the over all health of the tank but wont have a deadly effect on clams. on the other hand having even a detectable amount of nitrites leads me to believe you have something else going on.
cheateo is ur best bet and a large water change a 100% over the course of 2 weeks.
blind1993 I think you got it . I have a120gal reef and keep 10flamescallops 10bayscallops seapins seaarks coonclams and 20 other assorted mussles along with my 8" maxima.Nitrates are never a problem .Reefchaos ,water quality.You got greatadvice above.when you get this beat think about the smaller shellfish as a backup to your filtersystem.They really shine at feeding time they are heavy filter feeders.Will eat most of that food your fish corals and clams don't get.Hey the foods not out there to go through the cycle.I get my flame/bayscallops thumbnail size in 9mo. they are 2"/3" long.That a lot of cleaning for the buck.When they die 5or10 bluelegs can eat it in an hour.
"Water changes and carbon. You have to keep that nitrate way down. When you say you lost a 8" gigas. Did he die in the tank and release from the shell?"

I consistently run carbon and change it out every 4-5 days. I took the clam out before he completely deteriorated and finished detaching from his shell.

"Sounds like mentioned, your not keeping up enough with water changes, do some frequent & large volume changes until things get better, this will always help when you can't explain problems, can't hurt either If your making water up properly."

In the past month I have probably changed 75-100% of the water in the system trying to bring the nitrate down. Unsuccessfully. All water made is with RO/DI.

"What are the dimensions of the tank ?"
60" x 18 x 20h

"Where are they placed and how far from the lights ?

The Gigas was placed on the sand bed approximately 22" from lighting.
The other two clams were placed higher up on the rockwork roughly 15" from MH's.

"What type of lighting are you using and how many watts?"
I am using two 250w MHs (pfo ballast) 14k bulbs. Supplemented with two 96watt pc's.

"What is your current fish list ?"
3 Tangs, 2 Percula, and 1 yellow tail damsel.

"Have you examined the clams carefully for any pyramid snails?"
I am familiar with pyramid snails and have found no evidence of any on any of the clams within my tank.
"What are you using to maintain your cal/alk levels and how often are you testing?"
I am using Seachem's Reef advantage calcium and Reef Pure marine KH buffer. Since I have been having trouble maintaining my calcium levels over the past 6-7 months I usually test every 4 days.

"nitrates at a level of 50ppm is high and may be detrimental to the over all health of the tank but wont have a deadly effect on clams. on the other hand having even a detectable amount of nitrites leads me to believe you have something else going on."

It was my understanding that over time nitrate within the water column will eventually break down into ammonium. My ammonium levels have alway been undetectable and my nitrite levels are also undetectable using Salifert test kits. The Salifert test kit allows for more sensitive testing depending upon how you take the reading, which inturn translated into .o1ppm which is actually considered undetectable by Saliferts method for nitite testing.
What makes little sense is the fact that ammonium is oxidized into nitite which is then further oxidized into nitrate, but both my ammonium and nitite levels have always been undetectable.

Also I would love to have a refugium which could contain chaeto, but unfortunately I do not have the room for this.
Thank You all for the very useful information I will definately be looking into using different types of clam's to aid my filtation system as mentioned from above. It look like I will be doing some large water changes over the next day or two in an attempt to bring down my nitrate levels. I am also going to have to switch to a balanced two-part calicum/KH system to help keep my levels stable.

While examining one of my clam's earlier I found a long very slender worm that looked similar to a bristle worm. It looked very uncharacteristic for a bristleworm but I am wondering if it might have something to do with my recent clam deaths? I will try and get a pic up tomorrow, if I can get my camera to take a good enough close-up shot.
While examining one of my clam's earlier I found a long very slender worm that looked similar to a bristle worm. It looked very uncharacteristic for a bristleworm but I am wondering if it might have something to do with my recent clam deaths? I will try and get a pic up tomorrow, if I can get my camera to take a good enough close-up shot.

You might of just figured out your problem... Get a pic up here so maybe we can ident.