clams not looking good.

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sorry for the delay in response i m a little swamped with work right now and reefronters wasnt working when i tried to get on this morning.


I did add a wrasse lately about two months ago, this happened i think three days ago now. havnt taken the time to ID it other than what Tamarinthai found in his book. maybe he can remember. I also added a powder blue tang but i dont think the fish is the isssue here.

I am having a strange thing going on right now with something else. i m not sure what it is but I have some tissue loss on the tip of 4 color acro and a couple tips on a ponape (sp?) birdsnest have some algea growing on them.

So far i have changed out Phos Gaurd and Carbon, 20gal waterchange.
Alk tests @ 10.4
SG @ .35
ph @ 8.1 high point
ORP @ 255 (lower than normal)

I have this gut feeling i have stray voltage. ever since i hooked up a mag pump i have been having nightmares of it leaking and i DO NOT have a ground probe. whats an EZ way to test for this?
oh and yes this clam has been sitting on glass happy as.....a clam for 5 years now.

the musrooms have been on this thing for a few years, the clam wins the battle for light. Perfect example of why to not ever introduce musrooms in to a tank. i would love to know what my mushroom kill count is up
sorry for the delay in response i m a little swamped with work right now and reefronters wasnt working when i tried to get on this morning.


I did add a wrasse lately about two months ago, this happened i think three days ago now. havnt taken the time to ID it other than what Tamarinthai found in his book. maybe he can remember. I also added a powder blue tang but i dont think the fish is the isssue here.

I am having a strange thing going on right now with something else. i m not sure what it is but I have some tissue loss on the tip of 4 color acro and a couple tips on a ponape (sp?) birdsnest have some algea growing on them.

So far i have changed out Phos Gaurd and Carbon, 20gal waterchange.
Alk tests @ 10.4
SG @ .35 <------------------
ph @ 8.1 high point
ORP @ 255 (lower than normal)

I have this gut feeling i have stray voltage. ever since i hooked up a mag pump i have been having nightmares of it leaking and i DO NOT have a ground probe. whats an EZ way to test for this?

Can you please verify that the .35 sg you list is a typo. sg should be at or around 1.025

Can you please list all fish you have in this tank
Can you please verify that the .35 sg you list is a typo. sg should be at or around 1.025

Can you please list all fish you have in this tank

yes sorry for the error.

35ppt or 1.026 on my recently calibrated refractometer.

Fish list:
Yellow Tang
Powder Blue Tang (recent addition)
Lunar Wrasse
Exquisite Wrasse (african)
unknown wrasse (2+ month ago addition)
Scribbled rabbit
Lawnmower Blenny

pic of the unknown wrasse if anybody can ID it. sorry bout the blue pic

oh and yes this clam has been sitting on glass happy as.....a clam for 5 years now.

Just because the clam has been living on the glass with no ill effects for 5 years does not mean it is not bothered by it. I still suggest moving it off the glass.
Your in luck, Chris has joined this thread :)
Chris, he more then likely meant 35 PPT. At least I hope so :shock:
ya sorry again fro the typo frankie,

I am sure i have something in my tank that is or was burning some sps and the clam. the water change i did has diluted (what ever it is) enough that the burning has stopped. I m making another 20 gallons as we speak to do another round of water changes.

In the mean time i will try and figure out what is going on here. I have a friend here that has had this same problem latley so we are both kinda working on trying to figure it out.
your wrasse is a multi-color lubbocki wrasse, generally a good reef fish (part of the fairy wrasse family)

To really find out if a fish is bothering it, get a tupperware big enough to cover the clam, drill some water flow holes in it, and put it over the clam. He should open up when no fish are present to eat him.

Did this start our as a small pinched mantle, and then move to this step???

Advanced PM looks a lot like what you've got as well.

Introduced any new clams lately?

Any other stressors??

You can test for stray voltage with an simple ohm meter - put the red and black wires in the water, set it for voltage, and see what you get. It really takes a lot of voltage to affect your corals (I forget how much)
your wrasse is a multi-color lubbocki wrasse, generally a good reef fish (part of the fairy wrasse family)

To really find out if a fish is bothering it, get a tupperware big enough to cover the clam, drill some water flow holes in it, and put it over the clam. He should open up when no fish are present to eat him.

Did this start our as a small pinched mantle, and then move to this step???

Advanced PM looks a lot like what you've got as well.

Introduced any new clams lately?

Any other stressors??

dont think it was any kinda pinched mantle

it all started when my old growth of tyree ocillina cyphestrea sarted to burn off and then some small tips of ponape bn burned and 4 color acro after bout day 4 of cyphestrea burning the clam shut up a bit.

no new clams added by the way.

I m gonna go back to the basics here for a while see what happens. more water changes, cleaning ect. I kinda already started and the clam has opened and came out more already. i ll snap a pic tomorrow
The only two fish i see that could be a problem are the rabbit and blennie. Not saying that are but that they could be. I would first try to cover the clam and rule out a fish nipper. Cut the top off a 2l clear soda bottle and drill a bunch of small holes in it so water can flow but fish cant get to the clam. Place it over the clam and see what happens.

Also, with the burnt tips on sps it makes me think you had an Alk spike? If you did how high did it get and for how long?