clean up crew suggestions

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Well-known member
May 17, 2008
Moscow, ID
I want to add some cleaners for nuisance algae in my 15. I've got quite a few snails but they don't do much for the sand. it's kind of a new tank so I'm still battling with the stuff. any suggestions? I used to have hermits but I have had some bad luck with them (always get one that outgrows the others and begins killing them)

If the tank is new then my best suggestion would be to allow the tank to balance out a bit. Algae is common with newly set up aquariums so I wouldn't worry too much. If the sandbed is looking kinda nasty, then maybe try vaccuming it when doing your water change if you aren't already. Just a few personal thoughts. With time, the algae should subside :)
yeah I know, but it is pretty bad and didn't want it to grow out of control anyways I guess I've kinda made up my mind on the clean up crew anyways, but thanks for the reply
I picked up a "Reef Package" from

blue legged, and Scarlet Hermets
a couple kindes of snales

those bastards work fast too,
I went to bed one night with my yellow tang looking really rough,
got up the next morning, wasn't much left of him

sucked to loose him, but at least he wasn't rotting in my tank
yeah I know, but it is pretty bad and didn't want it to grow out of control anyways I guess I've kinda made up my mind on the clean up crew anyways, but thanks for the reply

No worries...Just keep in mind that not only fish produce waste so if you add in a clean up crew in there, although they may clean up some of algae for you, they will produce waste that in turn will cause nuicance algae to grow if not removed. If the algae you feel is getting out of control then you probably need to see what is fueling it. Not using ro/di water, over feeding, not doing regular tank maintenance (i.e water changes, changing filter pads, sponges etc), over stocking etc all can attribute to the problem. Also, being a newly setup tank, the tank will need time to stabilize and so adding in more livestock isn't usually suggested.

Just a few more thoughts...Like you said, you are pretty set on adding in a clean up crew at this point, but just giving my advice from past experiences. Getting to the root of the problem is usually the best solution :)
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I'm thinking it's phosphates because of the water where I'm at and I don't have an RO unit...unfortunately I don't have the room. I do fairly frequent 5 gallon changes (15 gallon tank) and have pretty decent filtration. also I guess I should have specified that the problem has occurred after I replaced the sand (the tank is also not very old ~6 months)
Yeah, if your makeup water has phosphates etc in it, then no matter how much water you change a week or how many times you do it, you will still be fueling the algae to grow. I use to buy my ro/di water seeing I didn't have an ro/di unit. I use to pay about $4.50 here in the Bahamas for 5 gals of ro/di water. :) has some
they are in Boise, ID
what would really help is their garf grunge...
you can use polyfilter or rowaphos to filter your water that you top up with...
remember they're might be coper in your water...
that is worse than phosphates...
also, get a bigger tank and get a refugium so you don't have to change your water so often...