Cleaner Shrimp Spawn

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Well-known member
Feb 28, 2004
Auburn, WA
Just went downstairs, took the flashlight to the tank and saw little cleaner shrimp all over the place..... Cute little buggers...
way to go dood !!!
i guess you are a grandpa for the hmm... 5th time ? :)
i guess they are gonna be a nice snack or are you plannin on catching them and tryin to raise them?
Tom, they told me....

Gabby, I grabbed a few and put them in my fuge, but I am sure that just extended there life for a few minutes.

Tom, I only have a pair of cleaners, and one pepermint in the tank. I could see them swimming backwards and erractic like a shrimp. I will post a close up of one when I get home. I was just thinking if it looks like a shrimp, walks like a shrimp and tastes like a shrimp......
Woodstock said:
Great pics Ken! I bet it was tough getting a decent pic the way they swarm.

The pic was hard to get, tank was totaly black. I took my small flashlight and set it lens down on the top front right corner of my tank. They came a swimming, and with the light on them from above I kinda got the camera to focus a little.
taste like shrimp ??:shock: i told you that those are not snacks :D
hmm i think you can raise them in your sump but i think you'd have to look for some sort of protection so they don't go through your skimmer.
I'm really happy you got some babies dood seriously :)
WTG Ken! That's pretty cool. I figure they will make good lunch for your fish! I remember snorkeling one day and swimming through a bunch of baby shrimp. The water was almost pink they were so thick! My friend just swam through them with his net out and caught a few to feed his fish which they loved. I hope you get to save a few of them...
Hey thanks Gaerella, I will check them out... And it would take an awfull lot of those little guys to make a snack for me...