Cleaning Advice Needed soon.

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Nice work Paul. Slow and steady wins the race. You will beat this.....just takes time. I'm sure your sand was saturated and getting it out and cleaned will help a lot. Also getting that algae off the rocks will go a long way. The hair algae is a great needs nutrients so it traps detritus in the hairs creating nutrients allowing it to grow longer and bushier allowing it to trap more detritus..and on and on.

Keep up the good work, but watch your health too....a nice tank with a sick/hurt owner isn't a lot of fun.

Go get em tiger!

Great work Paul. You accomplished much more than I was expecting for a phase one renovation. You'll get that thing dialed in so you can just watch it during the work week.

Part 2 --Here is some of the cleaned rock and allot of the sand gone.

---Surprisingly the sand wasn't as bad or as dirty as I thought?

--- Having issues tonight with photobucket being slow and resizing automatically even when I till it not to !!

Left Side


Right side

Still lot's to do!


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what did you use to clean your rock.

I am using a hard brush, and for tough spots, a wire brush. although the Tech M is doing most of the work for me.

I hope to start stocking the tank again by Thanksgiving or the first week in Dec.
Might need to stop by and took a look (if you dont mind)

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"what did you use to clean your rock."
Stiff small nylon scrub brushes next to the mops in wallmart $1 , I used 3.

I did individually blast them with fresh water from a garden spray nozel then Immediately dipped into a spare bucket of heated moving tank water ( from last water change)

I left them in the bucket for a week then scrubbed them again but dipped them into the bucket of old tank water first then straight into the tank--no dead smell was noticed anywhere along in the process and NO Cycle noticed !!

Come over anytime !


I am also glad that you are succeeding in getting your tank cleaned up, too. Its always good to see someone winning battles in the war against nuisance algae.
