Closed Loop Ideas for a 210 Gal

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Nov 13, 2007
Need some help. I am upgrading big time (37g to 210g). I have an all-glass 210 with the overflows in the back of the tank. Any ideas on adding a closed loop to this tank, since drilling is not an option?
Like the manifold. That is the idea I want to incorporate but I have a standard pre drilled tank. I was going to plumb the sump with Mag 9. Then add closed loop from a dart pump or something similar. The problem is where to pull the water from without being able to drill. Ideas I've had are to put a pipe in the over flow to pull water (dont know if they'll fit and will the box be able to keep up). hang a pipe over the edge(ugly to look at and critter can get in the screens). I did not know if you could pull more out of one the overflow boxes than is normally suggested with the 1" and 3/4" bulkheads by attaching the pump directly to the bulkheads. Any ideas youve seen or heard about?
Intergrate an Oceans Motions 4-way or 8-way into the closed-loop. Virtually silent and negligble heat. Easy maintenance. Wicked flow. Decent customer support. See the different drum options. I have a Dart. Don't forget the pump's intake is 2". Not suppost to restrict a pumps intake so your existing overflow holes are too small unless you consider using most or all of the holes somehow.
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Intergrate an Oceans Motions 4-way or 8-way into the closed-loop. Virtually silent and negligble heat. Easy maintenance. Wicked flow. Decent customer support. See the different drum options. I have a Dart. Don't forget the pump's intake is 2". Not suppost to restrict a pumps intake so your existing overflow holes are too small unless you consider using most or all of the holes somehow.

Thanks for the advice on the OM if I had a custom tank I would have used one. Now I know for the next upgrade. I ended up mounting the Koralias on the back of the tank. I have 2 of the 4's @1200gph and 3 of the 3's @ 850 gph. Those with the Mag 18 on the standard overflow. I am hoping that will give me enough flow. Thanks again for the advice.
I have used the Calfo type closed ring manifolds with multiple outlets . IMHO, If all the outputs are evenly spaced & all the same size they work great. However the second You change the size of one outlet to get, say a little more flow in a back corner, it changes "ALL" the others. It becomes quite a challenge to get the right flow to different area's of the tank.
For your closed loop, just do the up over the top of the tank,and make the intake a piece of PVC pipe that you have drilled full of 1/4 inch holes with a cap on the end. With the dart you would want to use 2 inch pvc and have a section of pipe about 1 foot long that starts about 6 inches under the water that goes down to a few inches above your substrate. Fill it up with hundreds of 1/4 inch holes all the way around the pipe. You can then paint it with kylon fusion paint to match your background and it is not that noticeable.

Do not try to do your closed loop intake in the overflow, you will get bubbles in the pump which will create microubbles in the tank, and you will be taking that nutrient rich water from the top of the tank, mixing it back into the bulk water rather than skimming it. Plus your overflow will be pretty noisy with 4000+ gph flowing through it. The OM is a great idea though.

i had a closed loop on my 125g with the Calfo was barely enough flow for my sps...i loved the Calfo manifold , but if i were you, i would go with a bigger pump..the Hammerhead or Barracuda would probably better suit the 210g....