Cloudy Eye Firefish

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Sep 2, 2008
I have a firefish in quarantine.. he has been doing great for 2 weeks. All of a sudden his one eye is cloudy? I have read to check the water (which seems good) and wait to see if the fish gets rid of it on its own?
Any ideas or suggestion? I wold like to avoid meds... also, there is another fish in the QT with him.... is that fish at risk?


I'm unsure now about the status of the fish. Is it dead? like you titled the last post?

You don't mention if the fish is eating. If it is eating you want to feed it medication that will kill the internal worm(s). If it isn't eating, you want to treat the fish for worms by adding meds to the water. You may wish to read this: De-Worming and Fishes with Intestinal Problems

The cloudy eye is usually a first symptom of something going wrong.
Thanks for the reply. The firefish is not dead... but hiding. It is eating and was active... but now, almost "still" ...

I have him in with a baby panther grouper (about 1 inch)

I didn't even consider that the grouper may have pecked at his eye? They are going to eventually go into different tanks... but in the meantime they are together in the QT.

The worm thing is gone, I think it was some slime from the rock he was hiding behind.

So, back to the cloudy eye....? what to do? contagious? wound or bacteria?


A single cloudy eye is often a reaction to bad water or a slight bacterial infection. Next in line is an abrasion or injury to the eye that has also allowed bacteria to gain a foothold.

I hope you read this post: A Quarantine Procedure and have understood from that post why it isn't a good idea to quarantine two fishes together.

If the water quality is perfect then you have two choices. I would caution you that you shouldn't be too quick to assume your water quality is okay. Please read this post: What is Water Quality. A lot of things can go wrong with water quality.

To make sure, I would suggest you perform a 60% or higher water change with absolutely the best source water you can find. Since it is a quarantine tank, consider buying distilled water. Follow the guidelines for a large water change here: How to Make a Successful Water Change.

If the fish's eye doesn't clear up after a day or two after the water change, then it may be more than just a water quality issue. The two choices is to do nothing other than feed the right foods and include vitamin and fat supplements in the food OR proceed with an antibiotic treatment. Choose an antibiotic that kills Gram Negative bacteria, or both Negative and Positive, not just one for Positive.

It is contagious to the point where the other fish will get it if that other fish is suffering from the poor water quality or a deficient diet. Another reason to not quarantine two fish together at the same time.
thanks much... I didn't know... but now I do....

Eye seems to be getting worse... almost like cotton puffs on the eye....
I will do the H2O change as you recommend and go from there.

Again, thanks!

Not a good development. Now that the eye is worse, do the water change but don't wait for treatment. Treat with an antibiotic immediately.

I would recommend to use the antibiotic Nitrofurazone (the Aquatronics’ product: Furacyn, and in the product, Spectrogram). Get some quickly and immediately begin treatment according to the medication instructions.
My damsel had something similar only it's eye was seemingly expanded, popped, and a few days later the dead skin fell off and it is better.
The first thing I was thinking was water quality as well. I agree on the Furacyn. Rid Ich will also kill the paracites, but dont mix the medication.