Cloudy RO DI Water + Salt mix in New Brute Trashbin

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Mar 9, 2008
Its my first time mixing salt mix. My salt mix is still cloudy after 48 hours in the 50 gal trashbin with the powerhead on. This is exacly what i did.

I had about 5 gallons of RO/Di water in the trashbin and then added the full "50 gal salt mix" to the trash bin. turned on the powerhead and then left the RO/DI unit running till it filled up the remaining 45 gallons. 48hrs later the mix looks "semi-milky" kinda whitish/cloudy and i cant seem past 6 inches from the top of the trashbin. Should i try another batch or can i fix this one? or did i mix it wrong??
Should always add your salt to your water. Not your water to your salt. It has been mentioned in some previous thread that adding water to salt can crash the calcium and maybe affect PH. I have always filled my bucket with water and then added my salt since then. Have you tested your salinity? How about PH? Was the trash can used? What kind of salt did you use? What is the temp? Have you tried to disolve some of the salt in a different container?
Should always add your salt to your water. Not your water to your salt. It has been mentioned in some previous thread that adding water to salt can crash the calcium and maybe affect PH. I have always filled my bucket with water and then added my salt since then. Have you tested your salinity? How about PH? Was the trash can used? What kind of salt did you use? What is the temp? Have you tried to disolve some of the salt in a different container?

it is a BRAND NEW trash bin, i rinsed it out anyways, the salinity is a little low at around 1.008 , its still very cloudy, it was like a 2 year old bag of salt i had laying around. the temp is indoor around 60F (night) to 85F (day). i havent tried another container.

darnit, it does look like calcium though, can save this batch or do i need to start over again cuz i messed up by pouring salt first?
I dont think the order of which went in first should still be a problem, it should have cleared up by now. How long have you let it sit??

The best thing would be to test the water for proper parimeters before using it. A fish only tank is not going to matter as much as a reef tank. Some of the cloudy water maybe cause by something that was in the salt mix and did not mix like it was supposed to. Dependinding on which salt I have used in the past, which ever is available sometimes.... I have noticed a white "flake" or granule that does not totaly disolve. It would be interesting to see what the material actually is. Maybe you could test the levels, calcium, mag, stotium and perhaps see if the mix is ok or if it is lacking some of the minerals not totaly disolving in the water.
What kind of salt are you using???? Some brands I've tried have been really nasty, leave crud all over my container, and are pretty much a disaster....

Also, did you clean your brute with vinegar when you brought it home??? How well did you rinse it.... be sure to test the water for ammonia if it is still cloudy as there could have been some residue in your new container :/
The only time I've had cloudy water from mixing a batch of saltwater was when I had a bad batch of salt. Other than that, I can't really think of anything else. With circulation in there and the amount of time you had it mixing, it should have cleared up by now IMO, but the fact that you are reading 1.008 salinity leaves me to believe your salt mix hasn't completely dissolved. Just a thought. :)

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how quickly did you add the salt? If you dump it all in at once, that is probably the issue. Try pulling 1-2 gallons out of your 50 gallon mixing container and put in a 5 gallon bucket, add a small portion of your salt (say one fifth of your total salt needed), then use a power drill and one of these to mix it up and dump it back into your container:

repeat every hour or so until all of your salt is mixed in.
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You could test it, then add a bit to the tank and see if it goes clear after a few hours.

I agree with above, in the future get the water in before you add salt. With that much salt in a small amount of water, you are asking for things to crash out.
thanks guys, i dumped the couldy water and mixed a new batch...this time i filled the 50 gal trashcan with water first, added the heater and powerhead and then slowly added the salt, about 2-3 cup full of salt every five mins till i mixed 50 gallons, i let it sit and mix for 24hrs and this time it worked fine!!!