%$^#&# Clove Polyps

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I checked the area that I have covered and they are gone. I move a shell to another spot. We'll see how long it takes.

Hey Lorrie how long do you have the shell in that spot before checking? Just curious how many times I would have to move it and how long in between.
Hey Lorrie how long do you have the shell in that spot before checking? Just curious how many times I would have to move it and how long in between.

I had that spot covered for a couple months, not thinking about it. So I put another shell in the tank over another spot yesterday. I am going to see how long it takes for it to go away this time.
Minor difficlutly figuring out how to post on RF with this new not so friendly format. Reposted at the end of the thread where it belongs.
Have any of you tried my easy DIY aptasia burner to get rid of your clove polyps? Here is the link on how to build one for under $25. Bunr off a few inches a day with some WC's and I can guarantee you that they'll be gone in no time and you'll enjoy doing it.
Have any of you tried my easy DIY aptasia burner to get rid of your clove polyps? Here is the link on how to build one for under $25. Bunr off a few inches a day with some WC's and I can guarantee you that they'll be gone in no time and you'll enjoy doing it.

I saw that thread a while back. That would work a LOT faster.
We are missing the link though.
Thanks Duane! I didn't think of that. I will build one and fry me some cloves! It may not work, but at least I will enjoy the process :)
What’s wrong with the cloves? The pictures look great. Do they kill a lot of other corals? I would love to have them covering my rocks. It looks nice.
What is it with you islanders and liking the fuzzy look? :)
I'll bring some for you when I run out there with some for Justin.
They are not impacting other coral as of yet, though as fast as they grow, they could compete for space.
I would think that Zoas might have a hard time pushing through them, as would encrusting coral. I have the feeling that I will find out sooner than I want to...
I really want to build a Trido zapper this weekend!
And as I stated earlier, they are actually growing on my zoas. Don't know how but they are. Not on the head but the stalk, so as the zoa reaches up for light the cloves also get light.
They dont stick to the skin of the zoa real well. You can usually brush them off with a soft toothbrush.
i had a frag with a bunch of them on it, i ended up fragging the majority of the coral purchased leaving the polyps and a stub, and ended up trading it, glad id didn't take hold of the tank! good luck!
I found a quick way to clean them off a rock that has no other coral. My puffer loves them! He also eats the heck out of xenia!
I think I will continue with the zapper plan and see how it goes.