clown fish breeding

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Well-known member
Jul 24, 2009
I have two clowns one is orange the other is black I've had them for 2 and 1/2 years and all they do is lay eggs. When one batch is done (coral Food) a day later theres more eggs this has been going on for about 10 cycle now. What I would like to know is how to breed them and how hard it is.:confused:

Does that book contain info on a raising tank? I have been thinking about building one from acrylic when I get home. I know it is usually a really small tank with seperate compartments but that is about
In the past I have just syphoned off a dozen or two eggs on the 7th day just before lights-out right into sump/fuge (packed w/ caulerpa) and have had a few survive occasionaly. Actually not the eggs, but it pulls the fry right out of egg casings that are ready to go already. After a couple weeks I would tipically start to see a few babies chasing small pods off front glass pane. At about 3 wks you can either siphon them out or use a small brine shrimp net to transfer them to a rearing tank where they're now big enough to eat larger food items.

Good Luck, Todd
In the past I have just syphoned off a dozen or two eggs on the 7th day just before lights-out right into sump/fuge (packed w/ caulerpa) and have had a few survive occasionaly. Actually not the eggs, but it pulls the fry right out of egg casings that are ready to go already. After a couple weeks I would tipically start to see a few babies chasing small pods off front glass pane. At about 3 wks you can either siphon them out or use a small brine shrimp net to transfer them to a rearing tank where they're now big enough to eat larger food items.

Good Luck, Todd

wow, that sound kool and not really that hard its nice to know that you can hatch them that way.I will try that in three more days.

Thank You,DAN
I will, I'll try some of the books I read make it sould a little hard but i will try with the syphon and in a breed cup hang on the tank