clown fish

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Well-known member
May 21, 2004
Can I add a clown fish with one already in the tank? Will they pair?
What type of clowns? I know with some clowns (not sure about all) but they will change sex to become a pair. I'd say go in the chat room and catch either Elmo or Jatero there. They both breed clowns and could help you.
Of course you can, what type of clown is it? And how big, like Krick said you dont want two females in there, so if you add a small guy you will be fine for most species, then there is the Maroon clowns that require you to do some "finesse" because they are mean, you will have to ask the pros if you are talkin about maroons
Do you misspell names on purpose Jid? lol

Clownfish might pair, but they might fight nonstop too; you just never know. It's best to introduce them together; either that or keep them single. What size tank is this?

krish75 said:
I'd say go in the chat room and catch either Elmo or Jatero there. They both breed clowns and could help you.

Jetaero breeds clowns? Not to my knowledge.

- Elmo
Jetaero breeds clowns? Not to my knowledge.

That's what he told me last night on RF Chat when you went MIA for a while. He said he had a tank set up to breed them...Was he pulling my leg (LOL)?
60 gallon tank! The one I have left is a Ocellair, he or she was paired with percula and they seem to get along for the day and half they were together. Both were put in the tank on Saturday. If I put another one in the tank in the next few days I wonder if they will hit it off?
Not sure if they'll hit it off. I'll just share with you my experience with clowns. I added 1 black and white percula along with two true perculas at one time to my 90 gal. They all got along, but it was obvious that the black and white perc was the boss. He never actually bit or nibbled on the others, but he'd chase them every once in a while when I fed them. I added a tomato clown about 4 weeks later to the tank and he fought constantly with the black and white perc. The tomato and the true percs never had a problem, but the tomato and the black and white always did. I then added a sebae clown about 3 weeks or so after that and the black and white perc started to fight with him. The tomato and the sebae had a few brawls, but nothing to talk about. It was basically just a war now between the sebae and the black and white perc. Eventually I took down the tank do to hair algae and gave the fish away to a friend. Now what I've experienced with clowns doesn't necessarily mean everyone else will. All fish are different and I guess it's just a chance you got to take. You may be lucky and not ever have a problem with adding clowns then again that might be all you will have (a handful of problems). I guess the only guarantee you'll have is a better success rate by adding all the fish at the same time, but then again, that is still no guarantee

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