clown wants to host but anemone wont let it

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Jun 17, 2007
around there really
Ok i just got a gbta and it was put in saturday to my surprise today i woke up and my bigger clown was hovering around the space the anemone was in and when it goes to get into the gbta the gbta shrivels up

my clowns are not to big for it so i dont see why its doing this i was just wondering if this is normal

My biggest clown is spending alot of time waiting for the gbta to come out

its kinda positioned its self to where all the tips arent exposed and i cant move it cause its attached to 2 rocks instead of just 1

Its really frustrating KNOWING the clown wants to host but the anemone wont let it

i really hope this is the begining process

im gonna put some food in the tank to see if it tries to take the gbta food!!!

thanks guys and gals!!!
Ok i just got a gbta and it was put in saturday to my surprise today i woke up and my bigger clown was hovering around the space the anemone was in and when it goes to get into the gbta the gbta shrivels up

my clowns are not to big for it so i dont see why its doing this i was just wondering if this is normal

My biggest clown is spending alot of time waiting for the gbta to come out

its kinda positioned its self to where all the tips arent exposed and i cant move it cause its attached to 2 rocks instead of just 1

Its really frustrating KNOWING the clown wants to host but the anemone wont let it

i really hope this is the begining process

im gonna put some food in the tank to see if it tries to take the gbta food!!!

thanks guys and gals!!!

One thing to consider is your gbta is brand new to an new environment and is having to adjust. I have a RBTA which I bought when it was the size of a silver dollar. I target fed it silversides and squid...everynow and then a cube of brine shrimp alternating every day with each food. At the time I had a false perc in the tank and was hoping it would host...showed no interest at all. After a month the rbta had gotten a bit bigger and we introduced 2 picasso clowns to the tank and they immediately hosted in the RBTA which had aclimated itself by then. About then the false perc followed the lead, figured out that she could host and started to host and drive the picassos' out of the rbta. Thats our 30 gal tank. I also have a 80 gal tank that has 2 gbta. One came with the tank and doesn't come out much and was originally small. The other we bought placed in the tank for 2 weeks...once it had found its place and was good to go I introduced a onyx clown and the false perc from the 30 and they both host in the gbta. The other reclusive one I started to target feed regularly and also got it a anenome crab. Now the crab is hosting and it is out a lot more.

I think the biggest thing you can do is give your gbta time to aclimate to its new home as well as target feed it every other day a variety of food. I'm only about 10 months into the hobby though so I could be considered inexperienced but I'm sure some of the more experienced reefers will put in their input and with all the input you can work out something that will work for you. Good luck.
ok thanks

How do you target feed a anemone with tubing. Ive been trying to feed mine SELCON covered brine shrimp

My anemone hasnt came back since my clown tried to host it. I hope it does come back out by the time I get home tonight.

It was doing great before the clown tried hosting it. My brain really reacted great when I released selcon covered brine shrimp into it.

I hope my anemone is ok it really closed up good after the incident

Thank guys
everytime Ive put a RBTA in a new tank it took some time out all shriveled and hidding out of site and then divided.

especially if clowns were bugging it.

Every time though everthing worked out fine and I got an extra RBTA.

good luck
did the rbta close all the way up when the clowns messed with them

How do you feed the rbta with a syringe???

Yes, most of mine closed up at first and then traveled down out of site for about 2 - 6 days and then come back up and there is two. Ive been told that if you stress them they are programed to divide and move in opposite directions. After that they opened up most of the day and excepted the clowns. Its normal for them to close up at times.

I personally have never fed my rbta. I only feed the fish and corals. I currently have 7 rbta that im hoping to start trading for things. I think if I actually fed them I would have 20 or more by now.
Be patient...give it time. Your GBTA will come out when and where it's ready. I say "where" because it might find a happier location. Even with the clowns bugging it, it'll adjust just fine as long as your meeting all it's needs. Those needs include lighting and water parameters and flow. Once it comes out, you can feed it a couple of times a week. Make sure not to feed it food that's too large. Chopped up shrimp or prawns, silversides and such. I use a turkey baster to feed mine.
ok thanks

How do you target feed a anemone with tubing. Ive been trying to feed mine SELCON covered brine shrimp

My anemone hasnt came back since my clown tried to host it. I hope it does come back out by the time I get home tonight.

It was doing great before the clown tried hosting it. My brain really reacted great when I released selcon covered brine shrimp into it.

I hope my anemone is ok it really closed up good after the incident

Thank guys

I don't use tubing...I normally feed the silverside and squid chunks by hand believe it or not....and use a turkey baster with the brine shrimp. Usually when you drop a chunk of silverside on the anenome its tentacles get sticky and take it straight to the mouth. Same with the squid.
Hey thanks guys that helps so much. I'll be getting some silversides this weekend then. Are they some kind of little saltvwater crustacan or something

I'll try the squid also

I feed some selcon covered brine shrimp in tonight since my gbta decided to come back out and after I fed it it lost some of its bubble tips and I hear thats good cause its more comfy right???

I'm gonna try hatching some baby brine and feeding them to my brain star polyps and anemone tomorrow

Then I'm not gonna hand feed again for a while

Thanksy friends any more advice always welcome

Also thanks for the tip about not feeding to big of foods to the anemone didn't know that thanks
I've never heard that loosing the bubble tips is a good sign. Silversides are a small shiny fish. You can determine food size by the size of the anemone's mouth.

i herd that when there tips are bubbled its a sign of that they think there in danger

yep im gonna be investing in silver side this weekend!!!!
Here is a couple of shots of my anenomes....the first is the RBTA that was taken about 4 months ago...


This next one is the same RBTA which was taken a couple of hours ago...sucker got BIG!!!


This other one is my GBTA with its host anenome crab...taken a couple of hours ago...I'm grooming him ;)

Here is a couple of shots of my anenomes....the first is the RBTA that was taken about 4 months ago...


This next one is the same RBTA which was taken a couple of hours ago...sucker got BIG!!!


This other one is my GBTA with its host anenome crab...taken a couple of hours ago...I'm grooming him ;)[

Show off:mad:


I don't think my clowns are even gonna mess with my gbta now cause it has came back out and now they act like they for got about it. I tried putting a big pic of a clown fish up to the yank and everything but they won't try to go in it now and probably never will again. Boy thats enough to P me off ya know. I wish I could jus catch them by hand and hold there head pointed at the gbta til they see it and go in it and repeat as needed

I mean it wouldnt be so bad if it still hadn't noticed it yet but I mean it actually knows its there but won't freaking touch the thing. Its making me want to move the dang thing or either just sell it and get my money back ya know. I only paid 20 bucks for my gbta but you can bet I won't be tacking no less then 35 for it.
Show off:mad:


I don't think my clowns are even gonna mess with my gbta now cause it has came back out and now they act like they for got about it. I tried putting a big pic of a clown fish up to the yank and everything but they won't try to go in it now and probably never will again. Boy thats enough to P me off ya know. I wish I could jus catch them by hand and hold there head pointed at the gbta til they see it and go in it and repeat as needed

I mean it wouldnt be so bad if it still hadn't noticed it yet but I mean it actually knows its there but won't freaking touch the thing. Its making me want to move the dang thing or either just sell it and get my money back ya know. I only paid 20 bucks for my gbta but you can bet I won't be tacking no less then 35 for it.

The false perc we had before we got the picassos would have nothing to do with any anenome...but the picasso's when introduced went immediately to the anenome...and a week later the false perc got the idea and drove the picasso's out as he was bigger and has been hosting ever since. I moved her to the 80 gal tank and she was hosting a different anenome withing a day...all else...get a crab and drop it in. lol
a crab just aint the same you know. But thanks for the suggestion. Not sure what I'm gonna do. I have been wanting some true percé though and I'm sure they would host it but I know the rule one pair per tank right???
Just remember that "Patience is a Vertue." We put a SeaBae Anenome in our 75g tank and our GSM took forever to host to it. I'm talking like almost 2 weeks before it even noticed it was there. I'm sure that once you GBTA gets more comfortable in your tank your Clowns will host to it. Just have to be patient. When we put the SeaBae in Michael (Returnofsid) was very inpatient about the GSM not hosting to it, but It began hosting while he was out of town working and when I told him it was finally hosting he was very happy. So my advice to you, is just give the GBTA some more time to settle in and be patient. I'm new at this, but have learned a lot in the last 9 months of having to learn how to take care of our tanks since Michael works out of town. And Reef Frontiers of course too. Good Luck!!!

a crab just aint the same you know. But thanks for the suggestion. Not sure what I'm gonna do. I have been wanting some true percé though and I'm sure they would host it but I know the rule one pair per tank right???

Thats the standard rule...but you know...we had our 30 gal tank with an established false perc and we introduced the pair of picassos and they more or less got along until i moved the false perc to the bigger tank.
oday when I woke up the big clown has noticed it again but hasnt jumped in yet I think because of thecwsy the gbta is positioned.

I swear I have the worst luck with anemones. I think it'll only be a matter of time though before it starts to host.

I hope. My anemone seems to love live baby brine shrimp along with my brain coral

cross your fingers for me people. Thanks

Maybe I won't have to get that crab now TIEG LOL

Thanks maddys mommy for the vote of faith I'm sure the waiting process has begun and the clock is ticking down to when the big clown is gonna jump in

My two clowns aren't really a pair yet and it seems that the little clown is getting a pretty good beating from the big one. I can see an abrasion on the little ones head from an attack. Its wired though cause they share a night time spot together

Thanks for all the help