clownfish biting anenome

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Speed Racer

Nov 7, 2006
East Texas
I thought this was odd behavior and wanted to share it with the forum. I have two rose tip bubble anenome's. One is quite large and healthy (7 inch across) while the other has been up and down over the last two years or so. I had it in my 125 and then took it out and put it in my daughters 10 gallon. We then moved and it was put in my 150. Well, it has hosted several different clownfish over the last almost two years. Since it was moved to my 150 it has traveled all over the tank. I recently got a maroon clown in a trade. When I came home this afternoon the clown was biting the small rose BTA. The anenome was as big as 2 inches across at one time and has now shrunk to half that size. I am not sure what the deal is with it. Everything else in the tank is fine and has been fine. The three other anenomes are great. I'm not sure if the clown knows something is up or what. The maroon clown keeps going between the two rose BTA's. I have never seen a clown fish actually bite an anenome before.

I had a pair of Tomato clowns in the past. They hosted in a sebea and in the larger rose. I ended up trading them because they were too aggressive. They were also so active that they would stress those two anenomes out. Even with them, they never bit the anenome. What do you on the forum think?
my false perc. had done it but only a few times and it has never affected the anemone!! what kind of maroon do you have and what size???
Sometimes the maroon clownfish bites the anemone's tentacle's so they can use the mucus that the tentacles segregates and cover with it.. but I'm not sure, is there any chance that you post a pic.??
also at times, the tentacles may appear stringy; this may be due to insufficient light or the need for food.
Well this little BTA has been through alot. It is not looking healthy of late and has not been eating. I am hoping the new maroon may stimulate the BTA to eat. As I said in the earlier post, the other three anenomes are fine and water param. are good. Lighting is good (IMO) 4x96 watt PC and 2x175w MH. I have a GIANT carpet anenome in the tank with three clowns hosting in it. When it is fully opened it is over 15 inches around! I've had it for two years now.
:) well I hope it gets better, I'm thinking in going to texas and take away your carpet anemone for my tank:lol: man my clowns will be happy:lol:

Good Luck!
you know I used to have a bubble anemone 2 years ago, first it was the most beautiful thing in my tank but suddenly all of his tentacles get shorter and in about 4 months he died:doubt:
hope this doesnt happen to yours;)
That is exactly what happened with this one. I got it from a friend after it had split. It was quite small. I nursed it to good health and about 2 inches in size with nice long bubble tentacles. Then I bought a pair of tomato clowns and the female was very aggressive. She hosted in the anenome and it began to shrink in size gradually. That is when I took it out and put it in my daughters 10 gallon tank and it began to get healthy again.

Well in May of this year my family and I moved to Texas from the San Francisco bay area. It has not been doing well since the move. I nursed it back once, so I thought I could do it again. The problem this time is it doesn't want to eat. Also it has been moving around, all over the tank, making it difficult to feed. I'm one of those guys that tries to leave his hands out of the tank as much as possible. Less stress on the inhabitants that way and I'm not in any hurry. Like one of the signatures says on this forum "Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is a reef tank" That is so true. I finally decided to let nature takes it course and see what happens. Then I got this maroon clown and now it's bitting the BTA. I'm hopeful the new interest being paid to the BTA by the clown will inspire it to press on. I will keep you posted.
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Live or frozen? I have thawed out frozen and tried it and it won't close up on it. Fresh tiger prawns cut in small pieces, no on that to. Small pieces of krill -no. Small pieces of silversides - no. I have tried both soaked in garlic and no garlic. I have tried feeding gently by hand, using a big turkey baster to gently allow it almost fall on it. Like I said - I'm frustrated.

The local fish store here is a joke. The only good stores are in Dallas and that's two hours away. Pet Land is the only salt water fish store for a city the size of 100,000 people. AND THEY SUCK! Prices and high and no knowledgeable staff. When I do go in there I help the customers more then they do! They don't sell live mysys. I was spoiled in the S.F. Bay Area. Lots of quality stores.
I feed my anemones with live mysys and they are doing great for almost 2 years now!!! and with medium pieces of silversides. why dont you try buying it online???
Is there any chance that maybeit might just be expelling's their way of going to the bathroom