Club forums - new posts?

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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Well-known member
Jun 30, 2003
Mukilteo, WA

When a new post occurs in the club forums it does not show on the new posts on tha main page. Is this by design? I would like to see when a new post happens in any of the forums myself, but that's just my opinion.

Posts in the reef club forums don't show up on the front page.

Go to your forum, click on the Forum Tools button near the top and subscribe to the forum. Then anytime you go to your User CP, you will see if there is a new thread or post.

You can also look for the orange indicator on the forum page....that means there is a new post in that forum.
That is the way it is set up, just like Curt mentioned. The club boards don't show up on the front page as they are pretty localized by their nature. If you subscribe to a forum, I also believe you will get a daily email of what has been going on in that forum. I think so anyway. Anyone try it on this new software? I did and believe that was the case.