College Nano ~ 20L REBORN!!!!

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Med Student Reefer
Oct 7, 2005
Yakima, WA
Okay everyone, it's time to start a new thread! If you dont know the story of my 20L, please refer to this thread

After the powerouttages/bad "fish sitter" incident, I took it slowly. The tank basically re-cycled and went through a few algae blooms over the course of about three weeks, all the while my white ribbon eel had fun with the tank all to himself.

When I determined it was time, I took out all of the dead coral skeletons :( and reaquascaped my tank. (Now that i think of it, Ill have to take a picture of all the skeletons). I achieved something that was close to what I originally wanted to do with this tank, so Im pretty happy with it.

After all of this, I made a quick trip up to Federal Way to grab some xenia and a galaxia frag from a fellow reefer on here (dangal) to start my restocking campaign.

MY 20L WAS REBORN!!!!!! With new corals in the tank it already looked worlds better than three weeks ago. It was so nice to have corals in the tank! To be precise, I had a sickness and the only cure was MORE CORAL! ;) So, I placed an order with to start a the restocking off right. I took pictures (lots to come) and am really pleased with what I got from them.

Unfortunatly, since I had 6am conditioning practice this morning, baseball practice this afternoon, basketball this evening, and then I have to get up early to disect a cadaver, Im pooped, so Im going to bed. I promise though, that pictures will be soon to follow! Thanks, and I hope everyone will enjoy this thread as much as I enjoy sharing with you.

Tanner G
Here's a teaser pic, hehehehe.....

Good luck with the tanks. Can't wait to see some more pics so I can get some ideas when I setup my 20g tank. :)
Well, it's the moment you have all been waiting for! The pictures are uploaded and my tank is back on track!

Disclaimer: Please ignore any sections that are still covered with a bit of algae. It took me almost 35 minutes to get it where it was, and my back just couldnt take being half bent over anymore after that. Other than that, please enjoy and comment!

Here's the packing process of the order I recieved from Great company, I will be ordering from them again.


Reloading my cleanup crew's gun! (Which now consists of 10 asterina snails and one large electric blue hermit crab, which also happened to have survived the tank crash)

My new decorator crab! I was hesitant to get one of these guys, but Im so glad I did.... great hide and sneak partner if I do say so myself.

My orangeback basslet! Acclimating away, this guy was ready and rearing to go right out of the bag.

Green Rics, still balled up from shipping.
Brand new, huge Rasberry colored Echinophyllia coral! Im so excited at the size of it (though I will be looking to frag a little bit of it to trade for some other corals!)

A weird kind of mushroom Ive never seen before. Called an umbrella mushroom. When its closed up, this is how it looks. (I just noticed it looks like the egg sacs from the movie "Alien" AHH!)

And a top down shot of that.

New Fighting Conch snail.... crazy shnozz on this dude.

Galaxia coral, compliments of dangal

Galaxia macro...... this is a cool coral. Ive never kept one before, but its a beautiful coral for sure.
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Green rics opened up a bit (w/ flash)

Red Sea Xenia! Gosh, i absolutly love pulsing xenia! Compliments of dangal again!

Close up shot of the Orangeback....... amazing color and pattern on this guy. I will work on getting a better shot, as he is pretty skittish right now.

Umbrella coral opened up. It's actually quite a cool mushroom.

top down shot

Galaxia sweeper! Freakin huge!!!! If it keeps this up, i might have to get rid of this coral, as I cant place ANYTHING near it
Closer picture of the echino! gosh this picture doesnt do it justice.... it's a deep, rich purple color, with dark blue highlights shining through, and it has golden eyes! Also, take note of the "sweepers" of the echino in this picture (which are actually the innards of the coral). I had originally placed it near the galaxia, and they both immediatly noticed each other and tried to battle. Now they are seperated by the entire tank.

The full echino..... I love it!

Of course, I had to get a picture of the eel in there! He's digging the xenia for sure

and finally, find the decorator crab!

Hope you all enjoyed the pictures (i just scrolled down and realized i posted a lot more than I had imagined!) Ill try to get a full tank shot up soon (the ones i took I didnt really like, so gotta redo em). And as I mentioned, if anyone is in the market for a frag of this echino, Im willing to trade!
blue leg hermits have always been troopers for me. once while rescaping, i set some rocks on towels on the ground temporarily. the next day i found two of them on the ground, dropped them in the tank and away they went like nothing happened.
Full tank shots are coming, as soon as I get a break today..... I didnt like how they looked when I first took them, so I have to retake them. Thanks for the comments guys
Sounds good...I'll keep an eye out. Things looked like they made a great turn around for you though which is great.:)
Tank is looking good my friend. You are correct about the galaxia not belonging in your nano though. At night, it will blow your mind...(but will kill neighbors)

You lose that bright chalice you had?
Yes, i unfortunatly lost my bright chalice... that was by far my favorite coral, and i was just about ready to frag it into three pieces. Sigh... oh wells, I guess that's just the way the world works.

I am placing an order with a guy soon though... should have a couple more chalice frags within the next week hopefully! wahoo! :D
Sad to hear that, I wanted to buy a frag of that beauty. LMK when you are ready to place the order, might want to tag along and save us some shipping :>)