College Nano ~ 20L style

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Med Student Reefer
Oct 7, 2005
Yakima, WA
Alright, I have always been more of a lurker on this forum (and more of a talker on, but i think that is more so because I have nano tanks (due to me being in college and living space/money restricts my reef hobby). So anywho, I figured I should get my name out there and be one of the showcased NANO tanks here on reeffrontiers.

I just moved back to school (Saint Martin's University) and moved into a new house with 4 of my best buds at school. We have the house for the next two years, soooooo I basically looked at it as a stable place for my tank for TWO YEARS!!!!! NO MORE MOVING!!!!!!

I had a 10 gallon tank in my dorm room the past year, and had to move it multiple times. Every time i made a successful move it was a relief, but it became quite the hassle thats for sure.

I decided to make the jump to a 20L! Im so excited for 1) the fact I can add another fish (or fish(plural), depending) and 2) more room for more corals!!!!

Basically, my 10 gallon was doing great after an initial crash, and my corals were thriving! Which is great, until there is no more room for any of them to grow! So as soon as i knew we were going to move into a house, I started researching tanks. I ended up with a 20L, as it was the same height dimensions as my 10 gallon but longer, so it would be familiar yet new at the same time. Lets do a recap of my tank though...

96W PowerQuad lighting
2x Aquaclear 10 filter systems
50W heater

As you can see, it was pretty sparse at this point in my tanks life (this is probably 2 months after the inital crash).

Here it is about a month or so later... sorry about the blurry pic, its all I could find on my comp..... it started to fill in a lot (and the xeina definitly started to grow after i added it)

And here it was a couple months ago.... lots of stuff filling in, and definitly no more room to add new corals. (Also note the the green bali slimer acropora...... lived just fine and even was growing quite well under 96W PC)

Then here are some pics of a few inhabitants






There's the recap on my 10 gallon............ all in all, it was a great starter tank for my saltwater experiance/ reef introduction. (though limiting, its a great way to learn discipline and realize the amount of money it takes to invest in this hobby)

Next post will be about my upgrade to a 20L!!!!

(PS - i should start a thread about my 1.8 gallon and my 2.5 gallon...... that could be in the works for the future if anyones interested in my little nanos!)
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Alrighty, lets get this 20L buisness started! Pictures of my 20L!!!!! Sorry its not the best update, but school really cuts into my time and im still trying to get settled into this new house.

Here's my 20L on its homemade stand!

(Sorry if any of the pics are unclear, im trying to figure out my roommates digi cam, and the lack of tripod makes it difficult)

Top right angle

And heres how i made the stand....... cheap but sturdy enough to withstand the blow of my roommates drunk friends (trust me, do not mess around with a stand or a tank when your living in a college house with five guys........ everything has to be sturdy and stable!)


My two passions, side by side (Along with school, I also play baseball in college, so the time in my life is quite busy most of the time!)


Top down, left side


And the obligatory set of some of the inhabitants (lots more to come, once i figure out this camera and have time!!!)





Hope you enjoy, and there will be more updates to come as i add things and things change..........

I recently just got rid of my bicolor blenny, as he was DESTROYING my sps frag pack that i purchased from a guy on RC. I WAS ###ED! I loved that blenny, but a 150 dollar meal (that id been saving for all summer) was not what i had i mind for him. I lost at least 4 corals cause of him, but i htink i managed to save 5 or 6. So I removed him from the tank (that was a battle, but finally after tearing the tank apart i got him) and took him back to the LFS. They were obliged to take him, as he was healthy, and I decided to replace him................ with...................

two True Perculas! I know, i was always the guy that said i was never going to get clownfish cause thats what everyone has and every dumb person would be like "Oh, look! Its NEMO! you found him!!!!"....................... but let me tell you, these guys are the number one reef fish for a reason! they are amazingly interactive, very personable, and dare i say....... adorable. I know, not what your typical 21 year old college jock would say, but yes, they are adorable. Im hoping the pair will become mated, and im not sure if i want to get an anemone or not for them to host. We will see! (By the way, im thinking of the names Walker, and Texas Ranger ..... or T.R. for short.......... hahahaha) Anywho, hope this update will generate some more interest! Comments welcome!

PS - does anyone have any tips for SPS coral care? im soooooo new with SPS corals that im scared i might do something wrong..... just some basic tips, or guidlines so they will grow and prosper! thanks!
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wow! quick reply LakeEd! thanks for the comment!

Also, just recieved some great corals from DisturbedReefer, and would like to say thanks again for your generocity! It was awesome getting to check out your tank (member of the month too for september!) and all of the corals are doing great! Ill try and get some pics up soon for ya'll
Believe it or not, ORA uses cement blocks to hold up their fish bin raceways for outgoing fish.

They're sturdy.

Nice tank, there.

thanks for the replies guys!

I play for Saint Martin's University...... not quite alabama, but its still college baseball! Thanks for the luck everyone, cause as you know, every baseball player needs a spot of luck here and there! ;)

BCT182 - Yes, thats a 150W clip on HQI.... Ive had it for about 3 weeks now, and I love it! Granted, Ive never had any other metal halide fixture, but this works great for me and my 20L, and I love the way it looks! Thanks for your interest

Elmo - Haha, that makes me feel slightly less cheap about my stand building skills! it only cost me 16 dollars to make a stand that is perfect size for a 20L!
thank you spongebob! I am a big fan of corals, and have a bad fetish with anything really bright and cool looking. Echino corals are by far my favorite, just because of the amazing color morph, and i love my plate coral, but we'll see if the SPS bug bites me or not...... so far, im not all that enthralled by them (though i was in love with one frag that i had, a super hairy green millie, but my blenny ate it! :( )
Nice tanks. I'd like to see your nano's if you have pics. I'm in the process of starting a 2.5 gallon nano myself.

Ya, Ill try and get a few pics of my picos up as well..... i just started a new 2.5 about 3 weeks ago for my Gonodactylus smithii mantis shrimp (named Loki) Hes rockin it in there!

Also got some new pictures of the corals I just recieved from Disturbedreefer, so ill try and get those up tonight as well!
UPDATE TIME!!! Sorry it took me a few days, baseball started and I think i dislocated my thumb, so its been a hectic few days. Anywho, back to the good stuff.........

Okay, so my clowns are thriving, getting along splendidly together, and eating like champs. But they are almost impossible to take a picture of! Heres my best effort so far (with a camera i dont know how to work very well)


I know, not clear at all, but at least both of them are in the frame! haha

And while we are on the topic of fish, here is a glance at my other fish who lives with the clowns in my tank...... He is a rainfords goby, who has been in my tank (as well as my 10 gallon) for 6 months now. Originally, he would not eat anything but what he could forage in my tank (mostly filtering out microrganisms in the sand) but ever since I got rid of my BiColor blenny, he has not only taken to eating the frozen food I feed my clowns, but he is much bolder now! I wasnt all that impressed by him orignially, but now, I LOVE HIM! The colors on this fish are gorgeous, and he has quite the unique personality. Here are a few shots that ive gotten of him, as he still is kind of camera shy.



Then, I promised some updates for the corals that I recieved from Todd (DisturbedReefer), so here are the ones that I have been able to get a satisfactory picture of so far (which is only the frogspawn, but ya, I really like the pictures I got of them!).....


Baby Frogspawn

Now, for some other random pics.........




Ive noticed in the pics that my tank looks really blue, but Ill have to say that that is not entirely accurate. I have a 14k pheonix blub, and I love it! would recommend it to everyone!

Comments welcome please!

Also, any tips on SPS care welcome, still trying to learn more bout that.
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PS - If you would like to donate corals to the "Poor College Reefer's Fund To Further The Knowledge Of Marine Biology", feel free to apply by PMing me ;) Trust me, its a great cause! haha jk
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Sorry to hear about your thumb :doubt: I guess no more hitch hiking:p I love your photos! Don't feel bad on the clown pics...I have the same problem and it took me months to almost get a good one(LOL) Keep up the good work:)
thanks krish! Its good to know im not the only person who struggled with this! Ill keep working on the photos, and as things start to grow Ill definitly be getting more pics.......... and im sure ill get more corals, as I am addicted!

keep the comments coming!
Well, just a quick update........

My tank is still truckin along, and has been doing great over the past week. There was a slight breakout of diatoms (probably due to overfeeding my two clowns.....;) ) Its okay though, cause i think its starting to receed. My two clowns are still alive and kicking, and i do believe they are starting to pair up. I read the workshop thread on clownfish, and from what i can gather, i think they are pairing up (with one doing the "jitter dance", and turning male, then into a female, while the other one is starting to jitter now too) One is slightly larger than the other now, and seems to be getting more dominant to the other one. Also, they have pretty much hosted in that frogspawn, and continually rub up and down it or hide under it when they get frightened. its halarious!

anywho, ill try to post some new pictures soon...... im on the hunt for some new coral, but im kinda holding off cause my birthday is coming up, so ill see what the parents have in mind for me ;)