College Nano ~ 20L style

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Okay, time for a small update that Ive been promising...... nothing special, just some quick pics that i took bout a half hour ago.

first, this is a decent pic of my lobophyllia coral that Ive had.... its got two heads now, so Im debating on whether or not to seperate the two...


next, here is a green polyp stylo that i thought was all but gone (litterally, there was nothing but one polyp left extened after my former bi color blenny ate it all), but its bouncing back extremely fast! Im excited, because i loved this coral!


on the topic of recovering..... i found these zoos in my 10 gallon under some rocks and sand when i was transfering things over to my 20 gallon during the upgrade...... they obviously havent seen much light, and i dont remember what color they were, but hopefully they recover!


and finally, here are some of my more prized zoos! there arent many of them (got them in very small frags, which is what i prefer) enjoy!



sorry its such a small update, but im kinda waiting on some new corals to come from Brendon and Electrokate...... as soon as those come in, i will update for sure!!!! also, its my bday next week, so hopefully my 'rents bring me something coralesque!
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wow! quick reply LakeEd! thanks for the comment!

Also, just recieved some great corals from DisturbedReefer, and would like to say thanks again for your generocity! It was awesome getting to check out your tank (member of the month too for september!) and all of the corals are doing great! Ill try and get some pics up soon for ya'll

No problem buddy, hope they work out well for you!
awesome tank, it''s coming along nicely, i'm also going to start a 20l in my dorm room at UW, i'm moving in tommmorow. wish me luck

i have those zoas too they really look good in person but unless you have a good camera its hard to do them justice.

Nice frags
joshinjosh -

good choice on the 20L... what kind of lighting/filtration are you doing? I have two smaller HOB filters that im using, and it seems to be working great. UW is an awesome campus... i make it up there every so often to say hi to some friends. Maybe we will have to trade some frags when i do make it up there ;) Good luck, keep us posted on it.

thanks for the compliments everyone else!
joshinjosh -

good choice on the 20L... what kind of lighting/filtration are you doing? I have two smaller HOB filters that im using, and it seems to be working great. UW is an awesome campus... i make it up there every so often to say hi to some friends. Maybe we will have to trade some frags when i do make it up there ;) Good luck, keep us posted on it.

thanks for the compliments everyone else!

yea, frag trading sounds awesome, just hit me a pm whenever. i plan to use my hob aquac remora, and i'm still undecided on the lights (probably t5s if i could get enough money)
yea, frag trading sounds awesome, just hit me a pm whenever. i plan to use my hob aquac remora, and i'm still undecided on the lights (probably t5s if i could get enough money)

ya man, t5s would be nice. Good luck with that!

In other news, got some new frags coming in soon next week (all zoos, as aparently i have a zoo fetish lately ;) ) and my parents are buying me a digi camera for my birthday! Nothing too special, but I have about 250 bucks to work with, so if anyone has any suggestions, please let me know! thanks!
Welp, figured i would post cause its my birthday and i can do what i want to! haha...... I actually got some frags in today (bout five frags of zoos from a few different people) Im excited to see them open up, but even more excited for my new digital camera to come in tomorrow so i can take pictures of them! I got the Sony D-100 (after about 24 hours straight of researching digital cameras in my price range) I cant wait to get it!

Ill update tank shots when it comes!
Krish - glad to see someone else is doing a nano reef on here with me! Great start, ill be following your tank as well!

Okay, so a lot has happened in the last few days....... I got a new camera, which I have NO idea how to work yet! Its super nice though, so hopefully I will get a grip on how to use it sooner or later. Its the Sony Cybershot DSC-W100. Macros are hard with it, as im not sure how to do that yet, so forgive me for the not so cool regular shots ;)

First off, here are some corals I recieved from Brenden (thanks Brian!)

some way cool RPE's (look way better in person, my pics dont do it justice)

Then a frag of watermelon zoos! Wish i could get a macro, as these are spectacular!


Then i found out why my birdsnest frag was struggling...... a freakin starfish was eating it!!!! Needless to say that starfish was thrown in my mantis tank, but man, it makes me mad. Anyone know how to get rid of thses guys, as i have ALOT of them in my tank (maybe a harlequin shrimp??)


Then, one of my acros that i got about 2.5 weeks ago is starting to color up..... it was a drab brown, but now its starting to turn a really nice green. Its hard to tell in the pic, but you can easily see it in the polyps.


And you all remember how i couldnt take a decent picture of my fish!


Well now check it out! This new camera made it fairly easy to grab some decent pics....... nothing special, but man its nice to not have blurry pictures of my fish anymore!



and then this picture was halarious...... it totally looks like my clown was trying to be sneaky while he hosted in my frogspawn, but i caught him red handed! ;)


Anywho, thats a small update..... once i figure this camera out more, ill get some more pics posted up. Also, wanna get some new corals too, so we will see, maybe a clam or an RBTA? The PSAS frag swap is coming up, so maybe i can attend that and see what i can find!
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okay, so ive been taking alot of pics with my camera, and i figured i would share some with all of you........ nothing spectacular to write home about, but at least its something to look at! :)

My two clowns, who i now believe have offically paired together!!!!! Its kinda hard to tell in the pic, but when looking at them, one is definitly the dominate fish and has increased in size much faster than the other one! so cool!


male perc

female perc

hosting up in my frogspawn

heres my rainfords goby...... hes been doing great, but is kind of reclusive. I love watching him though, as he is one of the most colorful and beautiful fish ive ever seen. I wish he wouldnt be so scared of my camera..... i promise ill get a good pic of him soon enough!


updated picture of my green stylo thats recovering

my fungia plate eating some frozen food that fell on it! so freakin cool to watch it move that chunk of brine shrimp from the edge all the way to its open mouth!

anther angle....

heres my acan lord trying to get in on some of that action
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and here is the obligatory full tank shot...... i love the way the light tapers off the edges of the tank!


Welp, thats all i have for my tank updates, but i do have something special for everyone that reads this....... a public service announcment!

We all know the hazards outside of our house, like gangs, wild animals, and randomly falling trees...... but sometimes, we need to watchout while we are inside our comfy homes........... Remember, pans that have been used to cook pancakes on a rainy sunday morning should not be used as toys, and please leave the flipping of pancakes with only the pan to the professionals! Even if you want to go for the 8 foot high toss with the double flip, it does not mean the pan magically is no longer HOT. Always keep a safe distance between your skin and something that is over a couple hundred degrees!


BUT, if you do happen to attempt that, and you do burn yourself, at least catch the bananna pancake the way you intended to! (I did, and it made the pain a lot less painful...... kind of......)


have a good day!
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