College Nano ~ 20L style

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Great photos man! But that one of your burn, i was thinking what in the world does he have in a 20L that can screw him up like that?:lol: Didn't realize pancakes were so dangerous!:p
yuuhhuu !!!
take it off !! take it off !! :lol: :lol: .
ok after a taco of view :lol: ...... i think your tank looks great dood, now you should get an anemone for your clowns, :p .
Those zoos that Brian sent you are pretty nice :).
ya, i was thinking of getting an anemone, but didnt know what kind, and i dont have a lot of money at the moment..... would they change hosts??? It would be awesome to get one though! If anyone can help with some experiance with getting an anemone for the first time, taht would be cool.

also, might be getting a harlequin shrimp.... cool looking buggers with an interesting diet!
they seem to host rose bubbles anemones, but you gotta be careful when you get one because they tend to move to the place they like and they can sting corals while they're at it, it takes time for them to host but it's quite neat when they do it.
My clown after year and something else, decided to host my long tentacle anemone :rolleyes: , i thought it was never gonna host it but she finally realized there was an anemone in the tank,she's also hosting my pulsing xenia, so she switches homes pretty often :p .
okay new idea that i would like to bounce off of people...... my LFS has a white ribbon eel (no, not the same specie as a black, blue or yellow ribbon eel) that is eating frozen food and seems like an interesting addition to my tank. Has anyone had any experience with the white ribbon eel? Ive been doing mad amounts of research on this for the past few days (the LFS is holding it for me at the moment), and wondering if anyone has any input. Im slightly nervous for my fish that already are in the tank, bu i think that they are all too big to be looked at as meals (HOPEFULLY!). I guess its gonna be an experiment, but if any of the occupents in the tank cant adjust comfortably, ill take the eel back.

I figure, 5 years ago most people wouldnt even consider trying a reef tank in anything smaller than a 55 gallon tank, so some brave people had to take a chance to progress our hobby. Granted, there were probably a lot of badly educated people who made things suffer, but at least now there is a decent amount of information out there to prevent that.
update on the white ribbon eel......

okay so ive done a TON of research on these guys, and so far, with the limited information that there is on them, I feel like I can keep him in my tank successfully and healthily.

I went to the local fish store today to pick him up, only to find out that he had tried to sneak into a tank next to him and gotten bitten by a snowflake eel!!!!!! He has a nice sized gash on his body, so the store is going to hold him for me while he heals up. The eel is still eating, even after the attack, so that is a good sign that he will pull through all right. If anything, it gives me a chance to secure down all my frags in my tank so they wont get knocked over by him!

I might be posting some new pictures of some new coral that I recieved earlier this week (my last frags for a LOOOOOOOONG time because I am offically broke now with barely enough money to eat and pay rent! :( ) and when the ribbon eel comes home ill be sure to post pics then too!
yup! im hoping that having an eel in my tank, with the idea in my head that he might mistake my finger for food, will keep me from messing around wiht my frags and just letting them grow for a while.... after which i will frag them out and trade for some really sweet new ones! talk about a way to keep a lock on your wallet! ;)
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for sum reason i cant see any of the pics on this thread which is a dissapointment because it sounds like u have a boss nano there
best of luck with your tank
it seems like the site where i host all my pictures is down........ hopefully they will get it back up so the pics work.... oh man i hope they do, cause thats a lot of work to redo all that again.....
alrighty! fixed the picture links for everyone.............. really let me down there. :(
okay, havent done an update in a while, and i have a few new corals, so i figured i would share. I started messing around with my camera a bit, and found a way to zoom pictures id taken and then crop them, so i have some close ups. Let me know how they look (i think they look a little grainy, but overall not bad) ;)

my clown saying hello to me, begging for some food :D

green and purple echino coral with some RPE's below it..... day time

....... and at night......
some new zoos..... kinda cool, but nothing special

and some of my new favorites! Mint green paly's!!!

close up.....

and my new acan enchantia orange crush.... its small, but packs some potent color!

and a close up of my orange zoos, showing some growth..... from 1 to 3!


just a quick update, cause tomorrow......... DA DA DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUHHHHH........ I get my eel! Im gonna go the fish store, make sure he eats again, and then bring him home. Im sure ill have, oh, 300 pictures of him, so ill try and update tomorrow night sometime. Be ready!!!!
Nice pics man!!! They came out really good! Must be that "Da Duuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhh" magic:p Hope your eel makes it in the tank safely:)
awsome tank i thought u had some xeina in there and what kinda eel u getting
careful it dosent get out they are inquisitive creatures and could possibly eat ur fish depending on speices and mouth to fish ratio keep up the awsome work
Morgan - I did have some xenia in there, but when I transferred everything from my 10 gallon to my 20gallon, it started to kind of die off. So i fragged a small piece, which is now in my 2.5 gallon and starting to recover, in hopes that I could save it before it was all gone. The small frag in my 2.5 gallon is doing great, but its not growing all that much really (I think i need to move it somewhere else sometime). And the xenia in my 20L withered away to almost nothing, but recently its started to kind of pop back up and pulse again, so Im hoping it will make a strong comeback.

The eel im getting is a Pseudechidna Brummeri, otherwise known as a white ribbon eel or ghost ribbon eel. Its not the same species as your typical black, blue, and yellow ribbon eels, and is in fact a small moray eel. right now its mouth is no larger then the end of a pencil, so hopefully that will be enough size difference to dissuade him from eating my other fish. Ill be watching him quite earnestly for the next few days, to make sure he doesnt get so explorative that he ends up carpet surfing (I have some window screen that Ive already cut to fit my tank top, and will have that secured for the first few weeks to prevent him from escaping while he gets comfortable).

krish - thanks for the kind comments! i really appreciate you following along!

I get out of class round 1130, so its straight to the fish store from school! Im going to make sure the eel is still eating, and if he is, its home he comes with me! wahoo!
good pictures dood :) .
those orange zoos and the RPE look really really nice :D .

Now don't forget to show us your eel hehe
Wahoo!!!!!!! Finally, the eel is in the house! It was quite the process to get him here, and there was a lot of long nights spent researching and asking questions, but so far I think its worth it!

I went to the store today to look at him (He looks completely healed from his snowflake eel bite) and pick him up, but wanted to make sure that he was eating still. Soooooooo, we went to go feed him, only to find that the LFS was out of krill!!!! We tried some silverside, but the eel was freaked out cause the giant puffer in teh tank next to him was trying to eat it through the glass...... they said they would be getting some krill in tomorrow, and that we could try feeding him then, but i didnt to wait that long. Which lead me to driving to a different LFS to buy some krill, take it back to see if the eel would eat. Well, i put the krill in front of the eel at the store, and walah!!!! he snatched it up and ate it!

For the next 20 min, we used a couple of nets and needed about 8 more arms to catch the eel, but we finally got it, bagged it up, and home i sped (litterally, i sped home ;) ) I took a few pictures while he was in the bag, but i didnt want to stress him out, so this is the best ive gotten.


After I temp acclimated the bag, I opened her up and let the eel swim free into the tank! It immediatly went to the rocks, and this is how she stayed for a while......


Then, I tried feeding her, but she would just ignore it..... she still seemed a little stressed out about the whole trip to my house. After a llittle while, she started to come out, and boy was it a treat to see her exploring her new domain!



Then after a thourough exploration (where, I might add, she took practically no notice to either the fish or the rainford's goby swimming around her), she settled into a place in the live rock that suited her. heres a few pics of her new "spot".



More pics on next page!
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