College Nano ~ 20L style

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with a little flash (i usually hate flash pictures, but this one came out decently clear, so i kept em)


and then my personal favorite so far!!!


Man, that thing can open its mouth wide! If i remember correctly, as it is in the same family as the moray eel, it has a hinged jaw; much like a python.

After about 4-5 hours, i tried feeding her again. I had to put it right in front of her, but she snatched it up quickly, and swallowed it whole! I was so relieved, as i was worried she might go on a hunger strike from stress. I fed her another piece about an hour later. So anywho, so far so good! We'll see if I wake in the morning to no clown fish though ;)
That's a beautiful eel! I love the color and I'm happy it's eating already for you. Hope he doesn't get too comfortable though :shock: :p
thanks for the nice comments everyone!

So far Im really liking the eel.... and for a nocturnal animal, I dont think it even moved last night from its new spot. Im guessing its either due to the fact that it is used to daytime feeding and doesnt go out at night anymore, or its still kinda getting used to its new digs at my house. Ill try and keep everyone posted on its habits and stuff as it settles in.
wow, ive feed the eel like 3 full krill within the last 24 hours, and it still seems hungry.... not sure if i should keep feeding him, or if there is a chance I can over feed him. Anyone know?

Also, just got some sweet new frags of coral from jaybo! he graciously offered me some of his amazing softies for free, and like any good reefer, I couldnt turn him down! ;) As soon as they start to open up and not get so pissed, Ill be posting pics for sure!
short update!

here are some new pics of some old corals!




and here is a new zoanthid colony that Jaybo gave me!!! It was struggling in his tank, so he generously let me take it! its thriving so far!





and heres a cool little bivalve on the top of the colony!

he also gave me a couple of finger leather frags, some mushrooms, and some large paly polyps! Ill post some pics of those once they get somewhat settled in.

then, i found this on the bottom of the colony........ anyone have any clue what it is?


and of course, some pictures of my eel! (which i still need a name for! any ideas?)

this is her stretched out over the corner

and after there are about 3 pieces of krill in her belly, you can see the bulges

that dude is big man now i wish i had one of them in my tank... very nice he the only guy in there??

I know how you like predators Brady and figured it wouldn't be long before one is added to your wish list:p
spongebob - ya, i was thinking it kinda looked like a brood of eggs, and im worried that it might be a bunch of pests about to break loose into my tank :/ Hopefully not

No, hes not the only thing in there. She is in there with a mated pair of true perculas and a rainfords goby. So far, she shows no interest whatsoever of either the fish or trying to escape. She eats handidly, and is actually quite active, moving about to her favorite spots in the tank. I would recommend this style of eel to everyone (Pseudechidna Brumerri).
Just finished reading your thread and looking at all the pics. Must say, as nice as the pics were, your tank looks a lot better in real life. You are doing a GREAT job! Was nice chatting yesterday.
Thanks Mike, it was awesome to see you face to face! hope the corals worked out well for you.

Ill be doing an update for all the new corals I got this weekend probably, so keep an eye out everyone!
Quick update.....

Sorry its been such a long time since my last post on this thread........ School has really taken over, and Im trying to catch/keep up right through finals in a few weeks. Ill try and find some time in the near future to get some more pics up, because there is a lot to update on!

I got some new shrooms that are very unique, and recently got some great blasto frags and an amazing new echino frag! Some cool picture to come for sure....

Also, does anyone know how to post videos??? I have some neat footage of my white ribbon eel, and would like to post it somewhere so people can watch it!

The eel is doing great, eating every few days or so (3-5 krill per feeding).... Its learned the smell of my hand too, so as soon as I go in to move things around, he starts hunting for my hand! There have been a few close nips, but i still have all my fingertips ;)

The rest of the fish are doing great, now that VHO Guy supplied me with a spare heater he had. Our house is extremely cold (due to our lack of funds while in college, me and my roommates have elected to NOT turn the heat on in our house... :/) And my small 25 W heater couldnt keep up with the temp fluxuations. VHO Guy sent me a realy nice 300W heater, and it has worked like a charm to combat the cold atmosphere of our house.

Also, I need to do a bigtime waterchange..... havent done one in like a month, but so far it hasnt seemed to effect my tank too much.

I did lose a small colony of mint green palys...... not sure to what though. They just started dissapearing, polyp by polyp, and after about two weeks, they were gone. I inspected for any sort of Nudi's or anything, but couldnt find anything that was eating them. I suspect is was more of a bacterial thing? or perhaps an infection of some sort. I tried a freshwater dip on the last bit of the colony, but if anything, that just sped the process up.

Other than that, my tank is doing great! I hope you all are having a good time before the upcoming holidays... I cant wait for christmas time, thats for sure! Will post a new update soon!